There has been some concern about me attending Book Bash this - TopicsExpress


There has been some concern about me attending Book Bash this weekend, if I d be there or not. Its been cleared up. So thats all good. No biggie. I plan on being there. Orlando isnt the only place I need to be this weekend. Im actually leaving Thursday morning for Vegas to attend a ALA Librarians Dinner Thursday night and then I leave for Orlando on Friday. BUT I do know there has been some talk about me not making it to utopYA and what not. Ive ignored it for the most part, but I dont want people to have a fear Im gonna bounce like a rubber ball on events. I also dont think most understand that I have some weird circumstances when it comes to traveling that limits what I can and cannot do. Heres the deal, I have done a lot of traveling this year and will do even more this year. I suck when it comes to travel in general. Im batting about 101 to 1 for flights without problems so far this year, so Im hoping this upcoming trip gets me to 102 to 2. And I WISH this was an exaggeration. I have to be very careful with layovers and back to back flights because of having RP and swollen vessels in my eyes. For some reason, after flying multiple times in a short period of time (compression of plane or it may be stress since I actually dont like flying), I get floaters in my eyes. Imagine black spots that last for weeks. Sometimes floaters with this disease dont go away. The only time I get these floaters is when I have back to back flights. For those who dont know what RP is, Im actually legitimately going blind. Not like oh, Im so blind. ha. ha. Nope. Blind as in will not be able to see a thing eventually. Theres no cure. Theres no real treatment. Thats that. So its risky when I have back to back flights and I have a couple coming up where I have to do it that way. Book Bash is one of them. Opposition Tour is another, but I dont push it if I dont have to, because seriously Id like to have whats left of my eyesight instead of bursting a vessel. And were not talking about the unattractive red blood vessel thing. Were talking about goodbye vision kind of bursting. Why dont you drive? Because of having RP, Ive lost 30% of my side vision, which means I dont feel comfortable hopping in a car and driving long distances when Im not familiar with the layout.Thats why I dont drive to these events. The general public is probably grateful of this. Suggest a train? Let me tell you about all the times Ive been going somewhere and the train stopped. Just stopped at a different station and was like peace out home skillets. And I only do trains for short trips. If its over six hours, theres no way Im going to sit still in a train or a car that long. So thats the deal and hope everyone knows that I will always do my best to get somewhere. Sometimes it doesnt work out, and Id like to be optimistic and think that we wouldnt have this issue again, but I am the Harbinger of Airport Doom, so...
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 01:19:37 +0000

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