There has to be kept a clear distinction in the understanding of a - TopicsExpress


There has to be kept a clear distinction in the understanding of a Countrys Economic System and its Governing System through Politics and Authority.. We can not deny the transformation in our Politics and Authority to what is currently happening in our pseudo-capitalist economic system in America. The 1 to 3 percent have most all the wealth, while the middle class is becoming extinct, and the masses are becoming disproportionately impoverished. It really doesnt matter what economic system that is attempted... it can always be corrupted. That is the issue I think we have to remain aware of. Communism initially was a concept of a Utopic Society literally based on the philosophy that mankind is inherently good not evil. Perhaps Stalin disproved instead that in many, the goodness in mankind could not overcome the seven deadly sins. Additionally, Communism does not consider the psychology of mankind needing competition and reward instead of everyone having an equal share of a pie. My belief is that is the central issue confusing socialism and communism. Socialism does NOT distribute equal shares making everyone the same. It allows for the differences in the desire for some to work and earn more, while ensuring the security for those that can not or are even content with only having basic needs devoid of very few additional wants. Therefore, Socialism attempted balancing the things that could be mismanaged, stolen, corrupted---which were linked to the basic surviving needs of mankind... through having collectively having the society as a whole ensure the necessities, while also allowing some to exceed that basic standard through their own talents, hard work, and personal drive. Now we have capitalism..pletely dependent on the concepts of a free-enterprise or free-market system. However, the U.S. has NEVER been nor sought to be a rigid Capitalist economic system. It has ALWAYS had social programs. It has been the Conservative ideology that has attempted to transform America from ensuring basic necessities for the disadvantaged. They have done this by removing the crucial protections (protection from monopolies and anti-trust) which ensured a free-enterprise Market System in America. This has not only limited the amount of welfare programs for the disadvantaged and poor, but through eliminating these protection laws, it has resulted in blocking those that desire to worker harder and achieve prosperity also. These protections were crucially dismantled in both Clinton and GWs presidencies through deregulations of Banking and Corporate Monopolies, Environmental and Consumer Protections, Labor and Wage Rules, and even personal Civil Rights. Both parties have contributed to our countrys economic system becoming corrupted. But it of course did not begin with them.... Who was president when the Federal Reserves was formed? Woodrow Wilson. Who abolished the Gold standard allowing our money to become a Ponzi scheme? Nixon and the neoconservatives. Looking at the chart provided in this link... You can better compare the differences in the how Countries are controlled through their ECONOMY, POLITICS and AUTHORITY. stutzfamily/mrstutz/WorldAffairs/typesofgovt.html
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 16:07:48 +0000

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