There have been A LOT of messages coming to mom and I about my - TopicsExpress


There have been A LOT of messages coming to mom and I about my ordeal, so she is putting out an answer for everyone. It is lengthy, but in regards to Aspergillosis... it may be worth the time to read it...Heres mom! ;-) With the photos I have posted about Joupityrs Aspergillosis condition, I have had a few messages asking me how are the ways that their birds can get Aspergillosis? What are the signs?”. There are many ways. It can be transferred by air, food, produce, bird seed, and of course raw uncooked peanuts also called monkey nuts. (and more) I spoke with Joupityr’s Avian Specialist Veterinarian, an expert on Avian Medicine because initially when I found out that she had Aspergillosis, I beat myself up while going through everything I had fed her to the best of my ability wondering what I did wrong. I looked at how I was storing my food, my produce, and I have always been so careful because I have always known how susceptible African Greys are to Aspergillosis. What Joupityrs Avian Exotics Specialist Veterinarian told me was that they can get it from anywhere. Outside, if we humans walk through a place that has mold without knowing it, like a grocery store, gas station, a friends house, work, anywhere, ...they can get it. We bring it home on our clothes. It can also thrive on surfaces. Even surfaces that have been cleaned with cleaning solutions. (Freak out with me, I did, so I’ll understand) Most people seem to focus on the peanuts, however I was told by her vet, that as long as they are unsalted, and roasted, it poses very little threat to our parrots. For the record, Joupityr didnt get peanuts... It (peanuts) is a very touchy subject but it is also each individual bird owners personal choice to make. Like wing clipping is a very touchy subject that I personally choose to not have with people. If you do choose to give peanuts... use HUMAN grade HIGH QUALITY nuts... Like from nuts. High quality bird food plays a huge part as well. Stay away from cheap junk bird food. Produce from Chile and other countries even use pesticides illegal to use in the states, but the United States allows their produce from these countries to be imported!! Research everything you can. I do what I feel is best for Joupityr and after spending over $2000 on medical bills for something I couldnt control or avoid her getting... I feel I do whats right by her. Ive had birds my whole life... Most exceed their life spans, so I must be doing something right. Anyways, back to Aspergillosis ... The way I figured out that Joupityr was sick… one day, she was quieter than normal. I figured she was tired from our trip to the sanctuary. 3 days later she was still quiet, so I took her in to a vet who told me she had Air Saculitus. (Ie: she’s [that vet] a moron.) She refused to run further tests at my request that I was willing to pay for, one being Aspergillosis testing. This is why it is important to TRY YOUR BEST to find an AVIAN veterinarian. Avian Medicine is so different from your dog and cat vet care. Monitor your birds, you can NEVER over react when it comes to your parrot. I don’t care what anyone says. Once your bird shows you they are sick, it is almost always to late. In the wild, the sickly are the ones predators go for first, and they instinctually know this, and it carries over into their “domestic” home. (No bird is “un-wild”) So anyways, I went to an Avian & Exotic Care Specialist Veterinarians because I knew something wasn’t right, and her basic “avian” knowledge was crap and I am very angry to this day that my Joupityr would be dead had I listened to her. She didn’t care enough to take steps I knew were important. I took Joupityr up to Washington D.C./Fairfax Virginia to SEAVS. (Stahl Exotics Animal Veterinary Services) They are amazing. I trust her life to no one else. We took the necessary steps and they were almost completely sure it was Aspergillosis. Instead of treating it, I told them to take it out, meaning surgery. This was shocking to them, because it is not cheap…but I know what Aspergillosis is and how it is hard to treat. Joupityr obviously had it for to long already. When they operated, they found that her air sac was surrounded by a granuloma. It was even worse than we thought. A barrier her body made to keep the Aspergillosis from spreading, but also anything (including medication) from getting in. Internal bleeding occurred as they tried to push through in case but it was so far advanced. They pulled back from the air sac, sewed her up, and very aggressive medicating began immediately. Lamisil via Nebulizer breaks down granulomas and allows the Aspergillosis to be attacked. The proof is in her X-rays. My little girl has been through hell. I’ve learned so much, but at the end of the day, I am still just me. I am not a Veterinarian and if you ever have questions about your bird’s health, please don’t wait! Contact an Avian Vet right away. I learned another thing and you can see it in the weight photo. Three weeks before Joupityr got sick, I bought a scale because I read changes in weight can indicate serious problems, well, her weight from her first visit was what I thought was normal… look at her weight as of November 17… Joupityr had obviously been infested with that damn Aspergillosis for longer than I knew. Not a day goes by that I don’t hate myself for not catching it sooner. Get a scale. They are $20 or less at walmart. Make sure one of the units is in grams, and weigh your bird. Do it daily. Seriously. They can drop weight so fast and before you know it, … they’re gone. If any of you have any more questions… please message me. I’m always here to help, though you will most likely get the advice to visit an Avian Vet from me. Love your birds. Stay vigilant! The smallest sign could be the biggest silent killer. Joupityrs killer came into her through the air. Do your best, its all we can do. Get annual checkups. VPI insurance has a very fair insurance policy for birds. Look into it. -Kirah
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 21:27:45 +0000

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