There have been a ton of statuses on my Newsfeed that make me - TopicsExpress


There have been a ton of statuses on my Newsfeed that make me smile from people stating what they have learned about ALS. My favorite one, however, was written by my friend Kristen Stevens. Facebook wont let me share the whole status for some reason, it just keeps only sharing the (amazing) video that was included in the status... So I have copied and pasted Kristens narrative. Research funding and awareness, being accomplished every day... So, I have been getting a little bit annoyed with all of these ice bucket challenge videos. My annoyance stems from the idea that no one should feel obligated to donate....they just should because they WANT to. But, what I failed to realize, is that this challenge is calling attention to a disease that many of us had no idea about until we googled it BECAUSE we saw a video or we ourselves got called out. There really isnt much awareness out there about ALS. So, I decided to learn a little about it. What Ive learned about ALS: 1. It is also called Lou Gehrigs Disease 2. Its a neurodegenerative disease that affects the brain and spinal cord 3. It causes once healthy people to slowly deteriorate until they can no longer speak or perform daily tasks 4. Patients with ALS usually end up totally paralyzed 5. The effects of ALS will eventually lead to the death of the person effected. 6. There is no cure for ALS Of course, after reading these facts about ALS, I changed my mind a little about the Ice bucket challenge. But, still...I wasnt completely sold on dumping a bucket of ice over my head just because someone on facebook called me out. Then, today in class we were shown this video by our instructor..... My mind is totally changed. THIS is how the ice bucket challenge got started. Please take some time to watch.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 19:14:38 +0000

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