There have been many days over this life David Dough Boy Cravens - TopicsExpress


There have been many days over this life David Dough Boy Cravens and the roads i have and have not chose, where it has been hard to get out of bed. Letting events of life lead me into a state of depression, Spending day after day in bed or a funk, gave people the opportunity to start talking. They called me many different things: lazy, worthless, looser and the list goes on.. Already feeling quite worthless and suffering major depression, I would dwell on these words all the time and they made things even worse. Then family and friends would want me to go and participate in activities but I just could not do it. For such a long time, I let those words soak into and consume my mind. Then the thought came to mind thanks to a good friend of mine. He made me realize what God thought of me. Some of these included: I am His precious child He walks with me through every ounce of the pain He died on the cross so that I could have healing, physically, emotionally and spiritually He loves me with an everlasting love My friend told me I needed to get out the spiritual trash can and to start throwing away the trash. Trash is those things that are negative, degrading and makes us feel ever lower and more worthless than what we might feel already. The dictionary sums it up wonderfully when it defines trash as foolish or pointless ideas, talk, or writing. He continued on to tell me that I needed to seek and find HOPE. Hope & Treasure is those things that uplift, encourage, edify and help us through our daily journeys. When we have trash spoken to us, we need to be able to take it, reject it and throw it away. We cannot do this in our own power but God can and will help us in this endeavor. When we have treasure bestowed upon us, we need to receive it and ponder it in our hearts. Not only do we receive the blessings from hope & treasure but then we can share those blessings with others. PROVERBS 10:18 HIDING HATRED MAKES YOU A LIAR ,SLANDERING OTHERS MAKES YOU A FOOL...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Jul 2013 15:40:14 +0000

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