There have been many post about the Little League State Tournament - TopicsExpress


There have been many post about the Little League State Tournament and how great it was. Not sure what is left to say but I would feel remiss if I didnt comment. If you know me you know I love baseball and none more than Little League baseball. Watching the game at is its purest level before big contracts and big business get in the way. That is why this tournament was so special to me. I remember as a kid many many years ago when Albia got to host the State Little League tournament thinking man wouldnt that be awesome! Well it was awesome. I am so proud of all the volunteers who made it possible. I know the common goal was to make sure every kid who played here never forgets the experience and I am confident we nailed it! People from each team which came from all over the State raved about the event and the effort our community put forth. Several times we heard people say it was the best state tournament they have ever seen. The people from Davenport said they are going to take notes on how we did it for when the host. Now that really made me smile. There are way to many people who worked very hard on this event to thank you all personally because I would miss someone but I want to say a special thank-you to Rod Thompson for believing in us and choosing us to host! Also for your service to Little League. And a very special thank you to Sonja Carson and Amy Rinehart for co chairing not only this years tournament but last years tournament. You gals WOW what a job. I know you have created a memory these boys will cherish for ever. I know I have never forgotten playing at State in Iowa City in 1986 and while they did a great job it was nothing like this. Trust me there are a bunch a young boys who will never forget this past week. I cant believe some of the story book things that this tournament possessed, like Rick Sweet who played for a Grandview team that went to the LLWS in 1980 getting to watch his little league play at State here in Centerville where he is raising his family. So glad he got to throw out a first pitch and though I missed it I have heard was a very special moment. And how about Carson Turner coming home to win a State Championship with SC Headid on the very field where his baseball career started! Im not sure hollywood could have scripted it any better! I am so proud sitting here today thinking that in every corner of this state someone somewhere today is thinking positively about Centerville IA. Let me conclude with my top 10 best things about this years 11-12 year Little League State Tournament. 10. Lee Wonderlich throwing the First Pitch to open things up! I hear Lee is still on cloud nine! Thanks Lee 9. The Branch and Dean concert! Nice Work Sonja and Amy Rinehart 8. The Grandview team... Yheeeeeeeeees we will be doing the Robby Lloyd for years to come. And their kids where awesome! 7. Watching Logan Carney(Grandview player) hit on Abby Sweet from the dugout during his game while his team was in the field. Im pretty sure he watched Kent Murphy break that down for him on a fundamental basis. 6. Seeing Mick Kauzlarich SR. leading the Appanoose County All-Stars out during opening ceremonies! 5. Getting to see the Turner family and watching Carson win a State title on the field he cut his teeth on! 4. Mike Boddicker speaking at opening ceremonies and the boys reaction when he was done. 3. I am going to cover a lot with this one. A. It meant a lot to me to work with Matt (Rudedog) Kovacevich on this event. We spent a lot of years playing pick up ball games in backyards and right there on Memorial Park so it was pretty cool to get to work with him on this project. B. Friday night hanging out afterwards and laughing with friends as we relive the highlights of the week. Yheeeeeeeeeeeees start the train its out of here. And many other impressions 2. Coach Huismans first pitch. Seeing him get the standing ovation from Sioux City and Grandview as well as the local fans at the game brought me to tears. And then when the two teams converged on him to congratulate him and show him their respect that was something to see. The Grandview bunch may have been a little over the top but those guys love baseball and showed great respect for the game when they had their kids swarm Rod Thompson and then coach Huisman. Yheeeeeeeeees ! 1. How could it not be. Seeing my father the man who fueled my love for baseball and gave almost 30 years of his life to Little League and Babe Ruth baseball get recognized as a coaching legend with the other greats for taking the 79 team to State. I not only got my love for baseball from him but he led by example when it comes to volunteering your time to kids. From coaching to umpiring to serving on the board he was and still is a great mentor to so many kids. It was a very proud moment! Ok Im done : ) This is me giving all who helped a standing O !
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 14:17:44 +0000

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