There is a God. Thats the truth. And to call him bad or evil - TopicsExpress


There is a God. Thats the truth. And to call him bad or evil becasue of bad things happening here is the only unfair thing when it goes to God. To call God evil because bad things happen is just moving the responsibility to someone else you obviously dont know at all. Humans do bad things, because its in our nature to do so. Humans are not perfect, because its our nature to make mistakes. The truth is that life does not end after death. The truth is that we arent existing for the fun or because of random stuff. We exist, because everything happening in the universe, with all the beauties, all the light and dark sides the universe has to offer, is part of something bigger. Something that has been created to give us humans a chance to do good things. Where is the point in looking on the bad sides only. One good thing may outshine many bad. This is a chance given by our creator, to prove that we are trying to live a life in friendliness doing good deeds. And if we do bad things, which is completely part of the human nature, its even better. A Good deed is good. Asking for forgiveness after a bad deed is better. The truth is that humanity lost its eyes. God gave us eyes, but we are still blind. We are not able to see the beauty in the creation. We are busy with our daily tasks, that we are not able to see. And if we see something bad we always accosiate it with religion. While its not the fault of the religion, its the fault of the people who failed following this religion. If all people would live 100% exactly the way God want us to live, the world would be such a beautiful place filled with joy, that God would end its existance immediately. Where is the point in the paradise if this world is perfect already? The truth is that God loves us so much but we dont see. The truth is that I see teenagers raging at their parents like they re slaves, while they are the ones who taught you all basics. Who spent more money on you then they did on themselves while we completly forget that millions of children are living without parents, because we are too stupid to help them and accept their diffrent lifestyle and culture. The truth is that wealth is more important then morality in our todays times. The way God want us to life made millions and billions of people happy in the history of humankind. And suddenly it got ruined, because people started seeing religion bad, because of bad people. The truth is that God DO exists and I am not suprised the world is in such a terrible situation in any matter today. We blinded ourselves with wealth and arrogance. Ofcourse we can not see. Ofcourse we can not understand that people could be diffrent. Humans would be nothing, without the guidance God gave us in our history a dozen times.Religion and the evil things happening today that everything you see is not always as you pretend it to be. Your own opinion is far to important. Thats a cancer bigger then any other major cancers in this world. Arrogance. Satan himself was one of the best believers, but arrogance turned him into the worst lifeform ever. Peace.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:28:23 +0000

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