There is a Lot which Africa can Learn from Ghaddaffi without - TopicsExpress


There is a Lot which Africa can Learn from Ghaddaffi without copying any system from Europe but Declaring their own Economic system. Which is neither Capitalism or Socialism. But a system where Africans can exchange Goods and services and export its suplus to the World. In order to do this Africa should suffer first . That is he should face the same Challenge Lybia went on and succeed within a short period of Time. By the Time of Ghaddaffi in Libya All Knight Clubs and Beer wall had been closed down and converted into Schools. There was free education up to tertiary. A bridal money was paid by the State to any young Couple above 16 who are willing to marry. Every Citizen was given at share from Oil Revenue into His account Monthly . No foreign Business was allowed to trade into Libya. All business been run by Libyan Citizens and the State. There was 50 % Car and Housing subsidy. Tertiary student was given over $USD 5000 that is R25000 per month plus free books and accommodation. Every unemployed Graduate was paid a Minimum Salary equal to his employed . Every qualified Agricultural Student was given a Land portion, Irrigation systems, Seeds and all machinery required to farm . Libyan currency was linked to Gold standard (Dinar). No bank notes would be printed out without being backed with Commodities or Gold. This was the Best African ever Seen after Colonization. No any African state was able to do this. Libya become the best investor to different countries. This is a Good Story to tell to the World. A Story of the Imam of Africa Colonel Ghaddafi a Story of Comrade Brother Leader who happen to pay 50 % of the total cost of Satellite Africa is currently using. A Man who financed the Mandelas ANC, PAC and Many other Africanist organizationsincluding the Nation of Islam.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 12:00:12 +0000

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