There is a New Breed rising up, with a passion for the Presence of - TopicsExpress


There is a New Breed rising up, with a passion for the Presence of the LORD. Carrying with them the heart of God for the Nations, the Church- Man-Kind. These ones have given it all up; their lives, their dreams, their plans, their all unto God. Their pursuit is the Presence of God, and to see His Kingdom manifesting upon the face of the earth, as His Will is being done here, exactly as it is in heaven. They carry nothing foreign or man-made, but whatever they establish and build, is in accordance to the pattern that is in the Throne Room of Abba Father- in heaven. Their hearts beat at the same rate and pace with that of God. They embrace the Secret Place- Prayer and devotion to Christ! THIS IS A NEW BREED GOD IS RAISING. IT IS NOT ABOUT THE OLD AND THE NEW, BUT THESE JOINED TOGETHER- REJOICING; IT IS ABOUT LOVE- THE PERFECTION! Says the Spirit of Grace... (Selah) #I AM GENERATION: WE ARE THE CHRIST GENERATION TO GOD BE THE GLORY!
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:33:44 +0000

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