There is a belief on this planet,that a parent and especially - TopicsExpress


There is a belief on this planet,that a parent and especially mothers have a right to have access to their children,make choices for them,intervene or otherwise control their childrens life. They have a belief that they have a say in who you are,what choices you make in life and who they are in your life. They believe that they have access to you,that they deserve to have access to you and this is very poisonous and a lot of sensitives go through that. And there is a lot for mothers to learn from their sensitive children. Mothers in general on this planet,the whole cultural standard of whats allowed of the type of behavior that is allowed and justified for mothers is what the psychological community would call borderline personality disorder. This causes for a major dysfunction within most family units that makes the parent in question step onto territories of a borderline personality disorder. These personality disorder traits are presenting themselves as online stalking, being in someone elses business, checking e-mails, showing up at someones house unannounced or uninvited, breaking boundaries, not listening to boundaries, being abusive (emotionally, spiritually, verbally and/or physically ), manipulating, domineering, controlling other members of the family to try to manipulate the sensitive person,all across the board its all personality disorder after personality disorder. Its such dysfunction and its targeted towards the sensitive person and its partly spirit influence as there is an opposition towards the children of God who remember God as their true parent and not their birth mother and by standing in their sovereignty or coming into sovereignty are freeing themselves from the family templates,patterns and beliefs and thus breaking the chain of dysfunction and its working on a spirit level and its working on a human level. The opposition will work through your family members,through your belief that you have to be loyal and obedient to your family. So as long as you believe that,this opposition to divine love,the opposition to lifeforce,to your cosmic soul heritage,your desire for innocence, purity,your passion, your potential,all of that gets wiped away because they put you in shame, guilt and use these beliefs of loyalty against you as loyalty is a strong value in sensitive children. The family is often the last stage in a sensitive childs journey to mastery,they master a lot of the stages in developing mastery,but when they get to family they get stuck and this is seen a lot,people battling a lot with their family and their family issues when they have gotten strong in other areas. Because of this loyalty and obedience which is more of guilt,shame and fear twisted into a false sense of loyalty and obedience. We need to speak truthfully as truth is a huge part of a sensitive childs construct and so we need to develop a strong relationship with the divine, with the creator to understand what this type of love is. What parental love really looks like and really feels like. And to allow that relationship with the divine and untangle from this toxic,distorted design here on this planet. Which is just here to teach you lessons in remembering who you are and your sovereign soul. Every soul has its own responsibility and its own lessons and by stepping more into your divinity you will help your family learn their lessons as well. So it all falls into place and alignment with soul contracts from the divine blueprint of each family member. No matter how bad they are manipulating, controlling, projecting you can get out of it. And letting go of fear,shame and guilt for your sense of loyalty to your family is how we can step into our sovereignty. This was taken from Jenna Forrests video and edited by Ulf Haukenes. I really recommend her work for sensitives. Id like to finish off with a poem by Khalil Gibran Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Lifes longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts. For they have their own thoughts. ~ Khalil Gibran ~
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 16:01:13 +0000

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