There is a big difference between Christianity and stupidity, with - TopicsExpress


There is a big difference between Christianity and stupidity, with all due respect. Correct me if am wrong, but a mechanic tells a christian that his car is unfit for a journey and he suddenly finds an alternative. Building engineers tell a pastor that erosion is eating up the foundation of the church and he quickly contracts out the job. Aeronautic engineers tell a pastor that his private jet requires servicing before the next take off and he stays put. But God forbid a doctor opening his mouth to say anything about your health. Its not my portion!, Id rather believe the report of the lord!, I walk by faith, not by sight!. These are a few of the retorts we hear when you try to explain a health condition to a so called christian patient. Medical personnel are believers too and you are no more righteous than any of them. God works with principles. Never have i seen a christian who is low on airtime start praying for an auto-spiritual recharge. Never have i seen someone put an empty pot on fire and starts praying for food to appear. If you want to cook, youll get up, go to the market and buy what you want to cook. If you want your child to be a Professor, youd have to send them to school. Its funny when people buy soap and bathe to get rid of germs, they dont bind and cast them away. They buy clothes and cover up, they dont pray their nakedness away. They actually meet with their spouses, they dont pray for an immaculate conception, but when you tell a woman that she has a contracted pelvis and may require a caesarian section, shell bind and cast your life away. Life as it is, is a miracle. The fact that a woman can be sedated to a total painless state, cut open and delivered of a living child is as much of a miracle as it gets. The fact that you can take a peanut sized pill and your blood pressure is kept from exploding your brain is a testimony. The technology and its practise were put there by God. Thats a miracle. But our christians dont want that. They hide their stingyness, miserliness and empty arrogance under the guise of faith. They want to come to church on sunday in their brand new suit or their one meter high gele and yell, Praaaaaaaise the lord!! So this doctor told me my blood sugar was critical and i said to him, doctor, listen, you are human. I walk with powers greater than you and the sickness you are calling. So keep quiet. Then i went home and my diabetes disappeared into thin air. Then the congregation would clap for you and fear you as the miracle man! That sounds to me like mere arrogance. In my opinion, you discuss with your healthcare provider, research what he says on the internet or basic textbooks youll understand, get second opinions from qualified people, pray about it, bless your doctor, bless the treatment, profess that youll be healed and believe it. By so doing, you have done your part and God will most certainly do his. But if you stay with an outrageous blood pressure of blood glucose level and you are binding and casting without following the principles God has laid out for you, the best youll get is to go to heaven after you die, which you surely will. If the case involves your child or a woman in labor who refused surgery and the child gets distressed to the point of death, you may not even get the heaven, because its murder as far as am concerned. The simple explanation to this problem starts from our cultural interpretation of the word technology. In ibo, its called, ogbara igbo ghari. Which translates to The Enigma or The mystery. That you dont understand it does not mean it has no understanding. If you see a snake in your house, you dont stand there and start praying, you run out of the house, get a stick, call your neighbors and while praying, you all go inside and find it. Thats because you saw the snake with your eyes. That you dont see the child inside your womb or you dont know how to assess your pelvic canal, some people can and they have and told you that vertex delivery is impossible and youll have to undergo surgery. Your prayer at that point is silliness. God has already come to your rescue by giving the option of surgery and providing the means for it. That you dont see the disaster coming your way healthwise does not make it a spiritual matter. You just dont see it, but its there. Trained people see it and those trained people are christians too, not demonic agents. Yes, i know our entire being has a spiritual component, but the core of the issue isnt spiritual. Its like hunger, when you are hungry, you eat. Prayer wouldnt help your tummy get filled. Its a basic principle. Please lets stop this madness. God has given us our body to take care of. Lets be responsible with it. God bless you.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 21:48:08 +0000

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