There is a good possibility that I will be released late - TopicsExpress


There is a good possibility that I will be released late Saturday night from my five-day stay in the hospital for my second round of chemo. My blood numbers are low but my oncologist says that is due primarily to the chemo IVs. They should improve when I return home and I start the follow-up meds. I will have at least two blood draws each week to monitor everything. Must have two or three doctor appointments before the third five-day hospital chemo treatment in three weeks. In the hospital this week I have been having physical therapy to help the muscles in my legs and ankles regain more strength. The infection in the lining around my brain and spinal column caused my leg muscles to collapse from underneath me when I tried to stand up. That was the second week at UC-Davis when the nurse found me unconscious on the floor. I was unconscious in the ICU for two days. I am actually relieved that I was not aware of all that was being done to me during that time. I am sorry that Steve, Tom and Cousin Gary had to see me like that because the doctors were not certain when or if I would come out of it. So I am especially appreciative for all the prayers and words of comfort that I have received from family and friends. Sent from my iPod
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 12:31:28 +0000

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