There is a great deal of anti Islam sentiment being thrown around - TopicsExpress


There is a great deal of anti Islam sentiment being thrown around lately and it appears to be gaining aggression along with its momentum. I think people need to stop and calm their heads before running off half cocked and wishing bad things upon all that follow Islam. I have both family and friends who are followers of the Muslim faith and none of them are violent, or women bashers, or seperatists, segregationists or for that matter terrorists. Can we all agree that maybe we should stop and think for a minute that throwing all of this at them is going to possibly cause a divide that at this stage in Australia doesnt exist? These are people. Granted they are of different faith than the modern historical Australian people but they also are now Australian. Yes there are bad elements within Islam. There are also Catholic priests that rape children. There are also people of Buddhist faith who go hunting and fishing. And Im pretty sure I know some Jews who have eaten bacon. So shall we cast out all people associated with all of these religions? Whilst the examples vary in consequence, the idea is to illustrate that people can make anything they like of their religion. But we as a greater multitude of people create the greater conscience that we are all a part of and at the moment I see that being torn apart. I can not and will not ask anyone to do anything but think. Think of what you want our society to become. If you begin to hate, and our society absorbs that hate and begins to make that our greater conscience, have not that which we are spouting against won?
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 12:59:58 +0000

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