There is a greater danger in pretending everyting z fine & most - TopicsExpress


There is a greater danger in pretending everyting z fine & most Adventists are living under self-deception. Da Sabbath truth has realy made us feel so comfortable dat we tink & feel we are oredy members of haeven but da truth z, da Sabbtah z nt a pasport to heaven, ts jst one of da rquiremnts we actualy nid to hav in oder to make it to heaven. Remember yo goal & aim as a child of God coz u are goin to b held acountable fo da life u livin today. Ts tym to tek da gospel to da lost & to atend to da need & introduce Jesus to dem, dats our gret comision as folowers of ts unfortunate we are failin to realiz how cloze we are to da soon comin of Christ!!! Ts so sad to knw dat pipo who ought to finish da works of Christs gospel are da ones dat has turned out to b pipo wit a dspeakable charactr & an abominable sort of dress code. We hav bcam part of wat we shud preach against, we hav lost direction, we r sleepin, & we hav bcam lovrs of pleasure rathan than lovers of God, we talk more about ourselves more dan we talk abt God, we are ashamed to b called Adventists. We browse in church, we hav bcam drunkards, smokers, fornicators, e.t.c. Oh yes! We hav such pipo. Brethren if u are ther, ts tym to get back to the Lord, ts tym to lift up da trumpet & loud let it ring coz Jesus z camin a gain & ts sooner than we all think. Owez remember u cn perish even wen u knw da truth, jst for failure to utilise it. Lets do wat z ryt & GOD BLESS!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:09:49 +0000

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