There is a group of people who get right on my tits. People who - TopicsExpress


There is a group of people who get right on my tits. People who some might say are doing a good job and a valuable service. A group of people who some might say are giving up their time for others - I disagree, I can’t stand them. . These people are the Chuggers – charity muggers. You know them, they are young, over-friendly people in bright bibs who stop you in the street. There are two main reasons I cannot stand them. . . Firstly, I do not care how brilliant the charity that you are working for is (please note the word ‘working’) – there is not a chance that I am going to hand over my personal and banking details to an unwashed, 22 year old, dreadlock-wearing*, bloke called Sebastian from Surrey. You can be as friendly, flirty, charming, bubbly and ‘a little bit whacky’ all you like – I will give you a fiver if that’s what you want, but you will not have my bank details, especially standing in the middle of the Holloway Road. . . Secondly, do not try to pretend that you are doing this out of the goodness of your heart. It is a job so stop giving the impression it is anything else. You ‘work’ for the charity, not ‘represent’ it. I have no problem with people working for a charity, they do a vital and valuable job, but please don’t try to make me feel guilty about my shirt and tie when you too are earning, probably more than many retail and unskilled employees in the shops that you stand outside. . . Actually there is a thirdly here. Leave pensioners alone and stop approaching them, The majority of our inner city elderly struggle financially and many find it hard to say no - so stop pressurising them into giving away some of what little they have** . Charity is vital and I fully embrace and most of the fundraising methods they use. But these annoying b*stards are not doing the charity any favours – I believe it actually turns people off of the charity. So please charities, if you are reading this - enough of the chuggers and you might actually get our donations. . * It should be noted that I have no issues with dreadlocks as a hair-style choice - other than on pale, white people. Sebastian, they look shit on you so just stop it. Really mate, stop it right now. ** Yes, I know I am generalising about the aged - but you get my drift.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 17:50:08 +0000

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