There is a group specifically for people who are WILLING... - TopicsExpress


There is a group specifically for people who are WILLING... really?!! date people with disabilities. I dont know what to say, it really is a thing~ for a moment I am speechless until I found my tongue: I followed my friends here, but the whole idea that there needs to be a specific label for a group of us who feel locked out of society & dating, put in a box, trapped in a one dimensional conception of who we are so they can figure out if they would be interested in dating us... offends me. Im OTHER-abled. I dont give a fig if you see me as disabled, or handicapped, or challenged or.... what-the-fu@k-ever. Your (normal people?) impression of me, doesnt identify me. Period. It shows me who you are. The truth is inside each & every one of us (I just happen to be a bit more belligerent in my expression than many!) REPEAT after me: WE are not a LABEL! If we continue to believe the lies told us, about ourselves, then we have given away the power of discovering or sharing our-precious-selves with others. We dont have to chose to fit in their box, because if we do, then.... we all lose. They WIN. *shrug* They get to remain banal, limited to their view, superficial, & shallow without the ability to expand their thinking or experience, while we stay locked in the cage of our own imagination. Why wait for the key of their fear & intolerance when, Im all ready free? Some would claim that I have an over blown sense of entitlement because Im not willing to wear the muzzle designed for me. Many see me as crazy, delusional, or stupid. If they think so, then that is the only me they will ever know & Im sorry for them, because we are every one of us here to challenge, teach, & learn from each other. It is a sad thing but my lessons will continue, wearing other faces, forms, bodies, skin colors... If there is anything that I can add or bring to this, it would be that we are each responsible, to learn & to know that we have value. If no one ever understands or loves me, I rejoice in the knowledge that Im defined by those who I GET TO know & love. Every act of unconditional regard & affection, develops me, deepens me, shapes me... Im happy for every perfectly flawed chromosome that makes up who I am. AND... if you arent... well... too bad for you.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:16:50 +0000

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