There is a lonely, lonely but beautiful place, where God makes - TopicsExpress


There is a lonely, lonely but beautiful place, where God makes men. Part two. So we finished part one with Jacob having a name change and a blessing because he had prayed through and was in full favour with God and man. The wrestling match with the Spirit was the prelude to his change. We who have battled weakness in our lives know what this wrestling is. We who have striven to mortify the motions of sin in our lives, know what this wrestling is. We have to cut fellowship with some things and some people who interfere with our growth process in the Lord. Sometimes we push up our selves on people who reject us and we feel bad, but God created that rejection that we may grow in him. It is written love not the world, neither the things which are in the world, for he that loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. We were born in this world as children of the devil. In sin did our mother conceive us and we were born in sin, that is our first nature. The lust of the flesh for the things we see and the desires we feel are bound up in our natural flesh and the lustful desires . We are in conflict with the Spirit which we receive , when we were born again and had this new creature in us. We are therefore experiencing inward turmoil; With the body, we desire the world and its pleasures and with the mind we desire the things of Christ. So we have a continuous inward battle and there is no peace until we yield to one. WE CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS. As long as the Spirit dwells in us we will have this battle. After we have suffered a while, we cease from sin, or this habit dies in us concerning the matter we struggle with. Therein we experience the victory over self, the world and the devil and we enter a new paradigm as a child of victory. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith, and we have the rejoicing in ourselves and not in another. Jacob was alone, his blessings were experienced alone. His name changed was first known to him alone. When it was time to meet with Esau, the victory was already won in prayer and Esau and himself were reconciled as brothers. They embraced, they forgave PAST GRIEVANCES, the were REUNITED, because now he had peace and favour with man given by God. Jacob was now Israel, a Prince with God, and when I received the Lord Jesus as my God, I received power and became a new person, his son by birth and adoption. He was a new person with a new level of faith. He would return home, contented, with assurance to bring up his children without fear of reprisal from an estranged brother. MARK A RIGHTEOUS MAN, FOR THE END OF THAT MAN IS PEACE. It is written, they of our own household are our greatest foes. What it really means is that in order to have peace , we many times compromise the truth A prophet is not without honour save in his own country and among his own kin. So the social structure is trying. We love pleasures and they are all around us. The need for money, which is a defensive in our world and answers all things, become a great inspirer that deceives us into feeling we are progressive and prosperous and we enter into many and diverse lists that war against the soul and bring us into captivity to unwholesome habits and traits. Along with the cares of this life, we encounter the choking effect and the word of the Lord Jesus, do not dwell richly in us as it should. So we labour to produce and we are tired and beaten because we have not that which we desire, neither in the spirit or in the natural. We feel wretched, because we do not do what we should and end up doing that we should not. We know we are trapped in a body of death and we feel wretched, and long to be freed of this body of death. It is here that our hope soar and the reality of a better future looms bright in our soul. We struggle in prayer, knowing that peace lies at the end of our struggle and victory will come. God knows I cannot always live on the mountain, so he picks out a valley for me. It s in that valley , he restores my soul and I hear, wait on the Lord, be of good courage and he will strengthen your heart, wait I say on the Lord. For they that wait on the Lord, shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as an eagle; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. So in our struggle we cry, teach me Lord, Teach me Lord, how to wait. From the bosom of our loneliness will spring rivers of joy, mountains of splendour, revelations and anointing known to no other but ourselves. Sit still, sit alone, sit not with the companies of mockers, there is a lonely , lonely, but beautiful place where God makes men and restores and invigorates our souls.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Jul 2013 10:27:53 +0000

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