There is a lot of controversy going on in my newsfeed about world - TopicsExpress


There is a lot of controversy going on in my newsfeed about world breastfeeding week. Heres my stance, 2 cents, what have you. 1) Breasts are made to feed babies as their #1 purpose. 2) If you are offended if you see the breasts of a breastfeeding mother, bear in mind point #1. 3) If you think that breastfeeding in public is fine as long as its done discreetly and no nipple/boob shows, you might as well stick with the crowd that believes you should go in private to feed BECAUSE.. 4) Covering up is not easy for every woman. Some of us, ahem, have boobs that were big enough that they would smother our babies if we didnt watch closely. Which lead to the original problem that we are trying to fight now- I wasnt able to breastfeed in public, because I couldnt sufficiently cover up. Brooklyn fed every hour and a half in the beginning for 30 minutes at a time. Lets just say I spent a lot of time alone. NOW, I respect all opinions, but when youre out there blasting moms who didnt cover up, or saying they did that on purpose, then weve got a problem!!! STOP shaming other moms, its another battle in the mommy wars which I am sick of. And if one of those heathen moms out there shows a nipple off while feeding and your kid sees it, HEY...EDUCATE them about breastfeeding. THE END.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:29:28 +0000

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