There is a lot of talk about a third political party in - TopicsExpress


There is a lot of talk about a third political party in America. Why not a Christian party??? Shaping the culture is a fundamental part of the discipleship mandate. It is the responsibility of the Church to shed the light of Christ in every area of life. The politics of a nation is a fundamental aspect of its culture and therefore must be addressed by believers as part of a comprehensive Christian view. When the church forfeits cultural leadership to the influences of secular humanism, it forfeits its cultural relevance. The implication is that if Christs Lordship has no practical implications for important real-life areas such as civil government, education, foreign policy, etc., why should it be relevant to any other area of life? Today, secular humanistic religious perspectives dominate the public sector. From childhood on, we are bombarded with the humanists ideas of law, politics, ethics, education, art, church and state, economics, welfare, social security, world affairs, and so on. The humanist influence is so pervasive and its principles so widely accepted, that the true extent of its influence is rarely comprehended. The discernment of a Biblically sound political philosophy, platform, and program as well as the raising up of Christian political leadership is a challenging and integral part of discipling the nations for Christ. This is especially true in free nations. Secular parties cannot provide Christ-centered political leadership--without which the worldview of secular humanism will dominate the culture and ultimately even the Church itself. When the Church fails to provide cultural and political leadership, it becomes as salt without savor, thus sacrificing its ability to lead in ANY area of life and ensuring its demise as a culture-shaping force. Today, the body of Christ expends its political energy on thousands of different political organizations most of which lack a Christ-centered pathway to political reform. A thousand different Christian ministries, founded by a thousand different individuals each with his own agenda and strategy can never replace the potential of the Bible-believing body of Christ, speaking in one accord, boldly addressing the issues of the day from a Biblical perspective. The Body of Christ is Gods chosen venue for raising up Christian cultural and political leaders as part of its mission to disciple the nations. It provides the most natural and potentially powerful vehicle for Christian political action. Christian voters deserve vision and leadership from within the Body of Christ. They deserve a real choice in politics. They should be given the opportunity to support Christian candidates and a comprehensive Christian platform in every election. The Christian worldview deserves faithful representation in the public square. Only an independent Christian party can provide the appropriate forum to recruit, disciple, promote, and support viable Christian candidates and to build a comprehensive Christian political platform as part of a comprehensive Christian vision for America. The Bible-believing Church needs its own vision, voice and vehicle for reforming America for Christ!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 13:23:57 +0000

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