There is a lot on our minds lately, but one thing weve reflected - TopicsExpress


There is a lot on our minds lately, but one thing weve reflected back on is how grateful we are for the support and care weve received through this whole experience! There are so many things to worry about, but there are also a whole list of people to be thankful for so here I go...Weve been so blessed by such wonderfully genuine and loving friends! The birth community that Im proud to be a part of has just really encircled us with an empowering presence that I cannot really explain. Jerusha De Groote Stephens is the most awesome acupuncturist and I think everyone needs to experience her compassionate care! It was her words that rang true in my heart when it was time to make the decision to go to the hospital and Im so glad I had her in my head telling me to listen to my instincts. All through my laboring process I had amazing doulas treating me like a queen...encouraging and supporting every move I made! Joel and I are forever grateful for Susan Stonecypher, Melissa Estey Barlow and Grace Greene who were with me for hours upon hours and really all throughout my pregnancy giving me strength and courage. Susan even stayed with me in recovery, warming me when I got chills and helping me process the craziness from the OR. (thats another takes an army to get a 12 lb baby out!) During labor, Molly Beckwith, came and gave me a chiropractic adjustment and came again tonight to help relieve some continued back pain. She has such a dedication to her practice and love for what she does! Im so honored shed come at just the moment I needed her. Then after all the love at home we received nothing but tenderness in the hospital as well. Seriously everyone was so nice and kind! They were excited when I got there and was 6cm 90% effaced, just happy for me to continue to try for the VBAC that I desired. They respected my wishes to avoid certain interventions and took care to get my blood pressure down all while making sure I was well informed. Dr. Shiflett NEVER pressured me on anything, but ALWAYS made sure that I was fully informed. The decisions we made along the way were empowering because they werent forced by anyone. We are so thankful for all the love God placed in our path. And is continuing to provide along our new journey as NICU parents. We have a team of friends providing meals for a few WEEKS and our loving neighbors who continue to be at the ready to help with Jude and anything else if needed. Georgeanna H Geyer, who is the BEST! We have said theres no way we could do this without you! Thanks for being here when we need you most, mom! I could really go on and on...just want to say God is good, Milo will be healed and we are blessed and honored!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 06:26:41 +0000

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