There is a lot that is right about Ghana and about us, as - TopicsExpress


There is a lot that is right about Ghana and about us, as Ghanaians. We are enjoying the longest period of stability since 1957. We are a democratic nation with a God-fearing people proud of their freedoms. Our country is rich in human and mineral resources. We can draw on a significant number of educated, hardworking and enterprising people, both at home and abroad. Ours is a nation with a positive international image on a continent that is finally but slowly being taken seriously. We are hailed as a model of democracy and stability in our region. We have a young, dynamic population ready to define their own destiny. What they want are the opportunities to grow and make it happen. We must re-imagine what Ghana can be like in the 21st century and re- dedicate ourselves to building that new Ghana. We can build a United Ghana even in a fiercely competitive democratic environment. A Ghana where there is tolerance and mutual respect for divergent views, where religious freedom is stoutly championed. A Ghana where politicians do not exploit our ethnic differences for electoral gains. A Ghana where rules are obeyed by both leaders and the led. Our country has everything it needs to progress. Ghana is ready and so must its leaders be. I am confident that the future for Ghana is brighter than the dream of 1957 and I know that this century is the era of our manifestation. God bless Ghana ! God bless Africa ! God bless us all ! Thank you. Extract from a speech delivered by Akufo-Addo at SOAS, London on 3 March 2014.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 03:29:19 +0000

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