There is a massive misconception about the benefit system, having - TopicsExpress


There is a massive misconception about the benefit system, having heard peoples stories for quote a while it has been heartbreaking. I encountered all types of people. I am using someones story with permission but name has been changed. John had worked over 30 years, he is now in his 50s. He a had a family and ran a computer business. he made a lot of money. He also had a son. He was also training to be a minister. Unfortunately he had an accident which meant he needed a substantial amount of time off of work. In that time his family life declined. He went through through a divorce and moved into single accommodation. he had money saved from his business but could not carry it on. obviously he waited for the help he needed after paying years of tax. he waited over year and half before having help, by that time he was homeless. Despite common misconception you dont get handed housing.being homeless meant he couldnt apply for jobs as he needed a fix abode. He needed clothes, cooking facility. Also more than that. The money he was getting JSA allowed him to buy cheap food everyday that did not require cooking. The cost of buying three meals a day is not cheap, and also nutritional needs. There are also toiletries. Because of his accident even in finding job it would have to be part time and a job role he could do as it puts him a risk for further injury if he has an epileptic fit. His are quite severe. No one wants to be liable for that. Over the years i changed my opinion about people on benefits hearing both good and bad cases, allowing me to be more understanding and humble. The benefit system is not a free ride its there to help people who need it, those in recovery and other wise. Its also there to help single independent people who are working but it helps toward helping costs as the cost of accommodation is expensive, also single mothers also.Many are NI contributions which mean they receive benefits based on how much they have payed in veer tax. The thing is not everyone should be tarred with the same brush. many of us think it could never happen to us but actually it could. I have heard thousands of stories like this, because of the people i have talked to. never take for granted what you have you could lose it at any moment.
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:54:33 +0000

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