There is a narration in Sahih Muslim that our beloved teacher - TopicsExpress


There is a narration in Sahih Muslim that our beloved teacher prophet Muhammad S.A.W mentions hasten to do good deeds before tribulations like pieces of a dark night.Where in a man will awaken as abeliever but by night he will be a disbelievers or a man at night will be a believer but will awaken a disbeliever and in which people will sell their religion their Islam, this beautiful deen of salvation,for personal or worldly pursuits.La hawla walla quwata illa billah (There is no power and strength except with Allah) Brothers and Sisters as we see time today unfolds as we see time elapses before our very eyes the prophecies that had been mentioned to us in the glorious sacred uncreated ord of the Almighty and the prophecies foretold to us by no other than the purest of tongues the tongue of our beloved teacher,, MuhammadS.A.W .All these prophecies, today are extremely conspicuous(Visible) like the light of the day the world that we are leaving on today,this earth...will soon come to an end for the one that created it will take it! but its not the end. When he takes it he will follow this existence with another existence He will follow this world with a new world .A world that is unknown to the human eye.A world which is the reality of a real world .The world of facts, exposure,the world which the truth will be known .In a world where man will be resurrected. For what reason you may ask yourself? But you know the reason if you are a believer!The reason is for one! One Reason to be accountable for everything that he or she did. On this world not the next world,He /she will be held for what he/ she Uttered. Look around!at the world now!The blind man will say , I cant see anything! But the man that Allah has given him sight ..Has given him the blessing of being able to visualise,he ll say SUBHANAALLAH! We are coming to the end of days!! SubhanaAllah what is going on look at the World!Look at the sham,look at syria, look at the world in general!Look at the killings,look at the lack of and loss of trust.Look at the falsehood,look at the lies.Look at the people talking, gossiping,backbiting,harming,eating each others flesh. Look at the world we are living in. Look at todays world. Unlike a 100 years ago .As time goes on the more you see tribulations. The Hadith says this hasten to do good deeds, before tribulations like pieces of a darkened night. How does night come? It comes in pieces,does it not slowly but surely,its coming into the day,eating it until it fully overtakes It comes now .It surrounds us ,slowly but surely it will eat us,unless you are aware ...unless you are careful,, unlessyou are vigilant towards what Allah wants from you. So if we cant see the today,the existence that we are currently living in,the signs that Allah has blessed us with,were blind.If we dont see it this all tells us something very important that we are certainly on the verge of change .I kindly request you to please share this message to your brothers and sisters may be Allah can pass guidance through it .
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 15:26:58 +0000

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