There is a new exploit of CMS specially for wordpress. It will add - TopicsExpress


There is a new exploit of CMS specially for wordpress. It will add a code in your index.php file. Code is something like, " ". If a popup window is opening when you visit your website, then you are a victim of this Exploit. What to do? immediately login to your cpanel => File Manager => Public_html folder, edit your index.php file and remove the above text from your index.php file. A lot of servers are getting effected of that exploit too where hacker gain access to main website of a Reseller Customer and insert that URL under his all accounts. So it is not easy to fix all accounts one by one, that can consume a lot of time. Simple method to resolve this issue is, Login to your Server SSH as root, and run this below given Command as root permissions, find /home ( -name "*.php" -o -name "*.html" -o -iname "*.htm" ) -exec grep -l "URL" {} ; -exec sed -i "/"URL"/d" {} ; **Note: Replace the Text URL with URL link that is opening as popup in a compromised website. This command will find that mentioned URL in all accounts in your server and will remove the URL Text from all .php, .html files. Hope it helps you to recover your server. Regards, Askforhost Web Hosting Services
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 15:39:03 +0000

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