There is a new strategy which is picking up steam right now under - TopicsExpress


There is a new strategy which is picking up steam right now under various names, with the most popular being the Viral 5000 Friends. I actually cant believe so many people are starting to use it in their marketing. Its NEVER about quantity, its about QUALITY. Whether you are talking about leads, blog traffic or friends... I would rather have 1,000 friends who are entrepreneurs and who I have built a relationship with than 5,000 friends who couldnt give a damn about internet marketing, entrepreneurship or ANYTHING besides making a quick buck. All these people youre filling your friends list with are DESPERATE to make a penny online. People who want to shove their opportunities down your throat and people with the WRONG mindset. If you read my blog post on why building a business online is like building an empire (aestrepreneur/how-to-build-an-online-empire/) then you will understand what I mean when I say youre attracting street merchants rather than kings / queens. So PLEASE dont jump on the Viral 5000 Friends wagon. Its not a way to build an empire which will last the test of time, its a way to make a few sales and watch your empire turn into a wasteland. INSTEAD focus on building relationships... focus on GIVING instead of TAKING and you will be amazed the type of people you attract to you.
Posted on: Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:01:27 +0000

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