There is a profound fear of Marshal Law among some Pakistanis. I - TopicsExpress


There is a profound fear of Marshal Law among some Pakistanis. I fail to understand the fear. The only real Marshal Law we had was imposed by Zia Ul Haq otherwise Ayub and Pervez Musharraf Marshal Law regimes were quite progressive. Some say that every time Marshal Law is imposed it takes us back by 10 years, very laughable because in each and every Marshal Law regime we have progressed, there has been peace and there has been positive economic progress. As a matter of fact, we have degressed during Civilian rule. Bhutto put a spoke in the wheels of progress by Nationalization and by subsequently paving the way for Marshal Law by rigging the 1976 elections. All investment left Pakistan at that time. Subsequent civilian rules alternatively of PPP and PML, reeked of corruption, misgovernance, nepotism, brutality and self projection. The country has huge debts and the civilian governments have played a huge part in increasing the debts by borrowing blindly and by passing on the onus to the people by increased taxation. Police has been converted into a private mafia as did Bhutto with ASF. How long can we survive like this as a nation. Arent we fed up? Media has brain washed educated people to believe otherwise as if democracy is the cure, no democracy can survive without education and without putting an end to the biradari system. We need change, we need to try something different, we need to get out of the rut, we need to look to the future not the past, we need to be progressive not degressive. I, personally see that vision in Imran Khan. He maybe the right person or not, only future can tell BUT why dont we want to give him a chance to correct things rather keep on drinking from different bottles again again but the same flavour of chicanery.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 06:30:58 +0000

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