There is a saying EVIL PROSPERS WHEN GOOD MEN REMAIN SILENT! - TopicsExpress


There is a saying EVIL PROSPERS WHEN GOOD MEN REMAIN SILENT! Within the past couple weeks, some of my FRIENDS, in an attempt, either to reveal their true colours or to stifle my posts, have begun attempting to castigate me for having political bias. However, in their petty attempt to finger me, they have done nothing but reveal themselves as the petty, myopic, corrupt little people they are. It has become apparent that with GE 2015 DRAWING CLOSER,they can no longer contain themselves. I have always ensured that whatever I write was an opinion based upon information from an accepted source. However, having allowed emotions to run deep, its now evident that the PP & THEIR SUPPORTERS NEW STRATEGY is to brand anyone opposite to them as PNM. Its amazing that these so-called UNBAISED advocates failed to see when the PMs SPIRITUAL GURU Sat Maharaj sought to deny entry to Afro-Trini kids in a Maha Sabha Primary School; they were playing Stevie Wonder then. They are deafeningly silent when Chief A&& Licker Pastor Cuffy is featured almost daily on the Express playing SPIN DOCTOR of sorts in defence of every asinine PP POLICY,as payment for a Chaconia Medal. Imagine this Man of God has the GALL to challenge Patrick Mannings eligibility to receive a NATIONAL AWARD, what was his? An HONOURARY DOCTORATE is a GIFT given to the recipient, it doesnt entitle one to put the lettersDr. as a title, people who do that are simply perpetuating a FRAUD. What does the Bible say about yearning for worldly treasures and a boastful person? The most recent episode which I witnessed with great shame was the use of my brothers and sisters in TTPS as PAWNS by this wicked regime. I was able to witness first hand, where persons protesting in front of Parliament in RED, were literally singled out and removed, whilst those in YELLOW were allowed to remain, surprisingly there werent many in WHITE,lol. SECURITY FORCES BEING USED TO QUELL OPPOSING VOICES. HMMMM, Creeping Dictatorship ala Basdeo Panday. To my TTPS family, do not allow yourselves to be bought by these charlatans, these are the same people who make us wait every 3 years and fight us to the bone during salary negotiations. Have we settled for 2011, 2012 & 2013 yet? NO, and were in the 2nd half of 2014. Finally, to all and sundry, National Awards are NOT personal trinkets at the PMs disposal, to which she can share out wily-nily to FRIENDS, FAMILY and CLOSE RELATIONS as she has done. They are important representations of a nations gratitude to the recipients for yeoman service in various disciplines. A special committee is supposed to sit and make these decisions. As we can see, everything done by the PP is for one reason-PERSONAL GAIN. Whats the deal with this $40M fund open to MPs? Where are the checks and balances? $$ gone again! If KPBs guilt for the lies she spoke of Panday and Manning during GE 2010 are so overwhelming that she is seeking some type of redemption; go up Mt. St. Benedict, but dont try to buy it with gifts. So if being ANTI-CORRUPTION and ANTI-NEPOTISM is the PNM, then 2015 holds great promise and I am PNM til I DEAD, LOL. To my detracting friends, when you choose to post in the public domain, ensure that your writings are based on fact and not emotions, it makes you seem very petty, a word to the wise. But dont beat up, its just my opinion.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 12:44:52 +0000

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