There is a serious lesson to be learnt here. Muslims make up only - TopicsExpress


There is a serious lesson to be learnt here. Muslims make up only a tiny fraction of the population of western countries - reputedly ONLY about 2% in Australia, but they somehow manage to totally bypass all of the long standing, well established democratic systems and get THEIR way in Trade, Commerce, Government, Education and just about EVERYTHING one can think of. HOW in the name of God do these Pricks do it ? There is an IMPORTANT lesson to be learnt here, if ONLY we could work out exactly what they are doing. A VERY important lesson for business at every level. We DO know, that there is an element of BLACKMAIL involved, insofar as they threaten businesses who will NOT agree to join their Halal Certification plans, no secret about THAT ---- but on any common sense analysis, just HOW much REAL damage could their feeble ATTEMPTS at blackballing big companies like Walmart, Coles Woolworths Sanitarium Kraft and a host of other BIG international manufacturers realistically do ? Yet -- companies cave in by the dozen, Big Small and medium size. What about Federal and Local Government also, -- NO one seems immune ? There is clearly a LESSON to be learnt here, by business. A lesson that surpasses and overrides ALL of the commonly accepted principles of Commerce. It would NOT surprise me to see them approach the big Mining companies next, and the next thing you know, we will be offered Halal Iron Ore, --- Halal Coal -- maybe even Halal Gas and Electricity. I mean, --- why NOT ? What about Halal drinking Water, coming out of the tap at home ? -- OK ? I mean --- Just where does it end ? --- Does in fact end at all ? HOW --- is it done ? --- That is what I want to know. There absolutely HAS to be a very specific sales process, that industry in general could model and follow, if ONLY we could find out the secret. It COULD --- be adopted by the Institute Of Management, -- Chamber Of Commerce etc and be taught in the business training forums and formal education institutions. Surely, the BIG companies that have been subjected to it MUST know what the actual PROCESS is ? As I say, -- BLACKMAIL is ONLY a small part of the scheme. by itself it would be absolutely LAUGHABLE to most companies. There is no evidence that peoples lives are threatened or kneecapping or toe cutting, none of those. Nor threats of children kidnapped or business premises set on fire. NO -- those are the type of stand over protection tactics that Bikie gangs are reputed to use. NO -- it is something far more subtle than THAT - and obviously TERRIBLY successful and a very effective formula. Business would KILL - for the answer. Any suggestions ?
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 02:01:28 +0000

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