There is a shift happening....There is something in the air that - TopicsExpress


There is a shift happening....There is something in the air that says people are beginning to wake up to all the bullshit...politicians, hypocritical laws, unfavorable regulations (suits the rich, not the poor), false entities & corporations that control (or people ALLOW to control) our everyday lives.....Money, Laws, Politics, Religion....ALL ENTITIES THAT RELY ON NOTHING BUT YOUR BELIEFS NOT FACTS! All tools used to induce fear and consequences if you dont fall into line. If you dont obey the system. Well, here is a shocking thought....The system as we know it, does NOT work for everybody, only for the few...How can this be fair or right? More importantly, how is the system meant to be fixed by the very people who created it (I would say corrupted but it was corrupted from the start so...) and even more crazy is that the people are so brain washed by all of the sweet talking, media driven propaganda (controlled by the corporations) that we TRUST in these people to fix the problem Why would these people (Politicians etc) try to solve a problem that would in actual truth, require them to give up the trappings of their manipulative ways in order to bring fairness and equal rights to everybody else? Now, people who know me will know that im not a quack and that id consider myself to be a mildly intelligent human being with a different outlook on things so please dont take my words as the rantings of a madman .....But just for one second, THINK....You are entitled to FREE SPEECH yet if you speak out against the goverment and its ever changing rules and regulations designed to suit the few then you are considered a threat and therefore unfit for society....At what point did you sign a contract to say that you will abide by bullshit conscripts designed by someone that was appointed as a representative for you ? Erm, at what point did i say i required representation and did any one actually consult me? I dont think so....This isnt a rant, just a little note to ask people to start waking up to all of the crap thats going on around you, not just in this country but the world all over...You are a human being, not a piece of property that is owned by greedy corporations who punish you. before people jump to conclusions and have their two cents worth i am well aware that you cant go around killing, hurting or plundering. Thats not what im referring to. My thoughts are aimed at things like rising taxes, fines, loophole laws, corrupt politicians in charge of our everyday well being, unjustified wars and invasions, media hysteria,financial abuse etc etc) They say the world is a crazy place....And i agree...but that doesnt mean you have to be crazy with them.... Wake up...if you feel something is wrong then it probably is.... Now go and switch on your big screen TV that you pay a corporation (Which you have no contract with by the way) for a license you dont need...And plug yourself back into the matrix Right where they want to keep you....
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 15:57:31 +0000

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