There is a strong link between health and happiness. Studies - TopicsExpress


There is a strong link between health and happiness. Studies indicate that happy people have stronger immune systems, which mean they are less-likely to get colds, recover more quickly from surgery, cope better with pain, have lower blood pressure and have a longer life expectancy than unhappy people. Conversely, studies show that a person’s health is one of the strongest predictors of happiness…meaning if we believe we are healthy, we tend to be happier. This is supported by several studies suggesting that people in poor health — including those with life-threatening diseases, such as cancer or life-altering disabilities — are often just as happy as those in good health. Meanwhile, those who believe they are in poor health, tend to be unhappier in almost every aspect of life: independence, self-image, personal relationships, having the ability to work and carry out basic daily activities. A 2012 issue of theJournal of Happiness Studiessharesthe first study concluding that chronic pain and other disruptive conditions do interfere with happiness. After taking into consideration other factors associated with happiness, such as economic status, poor health was closely linked to unhappiness only in people who reported that their health status interfered with their daily lives. This makes sense when we consider that working toward meaningful life goals is one of the most important strategies happy people utilize.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Apr 2014 16:35:32 +0000

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