There is a very hot argument underway in Norway between an - TopicsExpress


There is a very hot argument underway in Norway between an outspoken journalist and the salmon farming industry. Here is a translation of the journalist responding to the industrys defence against his original article. I have to agree with him on many points! He is very brave to be so outspoken against this aggressive industry that is used to getting what it wants. At the bottom is the link to the original Norwegian article, this is a clumsy online translation. From 1 November 2014: Comical Are is spreading disinformation In the current situation, the salmon farming industry has major problems of disease and contamination and yet refuses to realize some of these realities, and they go instead for the messenger. Saddam Hussein had an information minister who was nicknamed Comical Ali . Even as US forces stood at the gates of Baghdad, Comical Ali claimed that the Iraqi army was victorious on all fronts. In Norway, this position is occupied by Are Kvistad, communications director of the Norwegian Seafood Federation (FHL), providing a similar role on behalf of the salmon farming industry. In a situation with major problems of disease and contamination, Kvistad refuses to realize some of the realities, and goes instead for the messenger. In his speech to me yesterday, Strøksnes on repeat it seems appropriate that enough that the pepper has gone out of him. His argument is that a critical voice like me should not be allowed to ask, since Ive done it before. When we debated the summer of 2013, his side overwhelmed so thoroughly that some media created news items about the lies. What he says Kvistad declines to comment on what was important in my case, for example, research shows that many fjords in Rogaland are about to be destroyed. Shrimp and other shellfish are killed by highly toxic anti-sea lice products, which use huge amounts of, completely uncontrolled. Scientists, divers, coastal fishermen and environmentalists have the same message. Kelp forests are gone, along with them the fish. The entire ecosystem is severely damaged. Comical Are also claims that salmon farming is not subsidized. This is also incorrect. In my comment, Fisheries Ministers inner life last Saturday, for a week since Ive been overloaded with calls from concerned people who say the same thing: We see that the fjords are heavily damaged by farming. Why doesnt anything happen? Through his own newspaper, has editor Aslak Berge in the magazine ilaks requested documentation to the allegations and criticisms Strøksnes again puts forward, writes Kvistad. It is wrong. Berge in Ilaks threw out some questions to me posed on Facebook. I was not online, and answered by phone text, I prioritized to respond to the Minister and others on tap. I offered Berge an interview. Berge was not interested. He has also denied me the opportunity to respond to two severely harassing articles against me, the first one is just clumsy, the latter deeply unfair, that he has published on ilaks. Subsidies Comical Are also claims that farming is not subsidized. This is also incorrect (see the official Norwegian National Statistics, SSB, table 09170 , click on Other subsidies in the top field and Fishing and aquaculture in the lower field, then View table). In addition, many coastal municipalities are provided large sums to facilitate salmon farming by building infrastructure, roads, etc. In 2012, aquaculture paid with binary projections only 318 million (NOK) in corporation tax. But there is another and more important perspective here. We give as a nation and community the salmon farming industry giant subsidies in that they are allowed to hurt, yes, even destroy, our fjords with huge amounts of poison and disease, without paying a single dime for it. The industry earns gargantuan billions (NOK), on behalf of investors worldwide. In 2012 paid aquaculture with binary units (722 companies in total) and only 318 million (NOK) in corporation tax. Its exactly the same sum as just the Bærum municipality alone had on their annual fee for cars last year. A bit of an economic pillar you offer us, Comical Are. Director Kvistad is a high salaried spreader of disinformation. In contrast, I am a completely independent player. The only thing that drives me is a concern for marine life. And it is impossible to ignore all the solid evidence that without any shadow of a doubt proves that salmon farming creates immense damage to the perhaps the most valuable thing in this country.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 15:33:36 +0000

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