There is a war happening all around us. It is not a new - TopicsExpress


There is a war happening all around us. It is not a new war. It is an ancient war. Are you an open minded person? Or do you just think you are? I will answer for you. You are not an open minded person. I say this because free thinking has been banned since the dawn of time. You do not believe me, do you? Well, that is entirely up to you. Let me tell you what I think and I have nothing to gain by saying this. And I am not here to change you because that kind of coercion is a poison in itself. I will hand you the gun and the ammunition whether you choose to fire it is down to your own conscience. Being a free person is not a crime. Being a free person in a society that actually respects and cherishes that ideal is not a crime. Caring is not a crime. Wanting a better life for you and your family is not a crime. Defending yourself when your back is to the wall is not a crime. The only real crime that you are guilty is for is waiting. Waiting for someone else to come along and save you. That is a crime. It is a crime against being human. It is a crime against being part of a collective that ultimately becomes our society. Our fight is not about water. Do I make myself clear? Water is the battle cry. Our war is against them. We are the people of the mud. We clamber about rushing from one tragedy to the next that has become our daily lives. We are their money pigs. It is our carcass that fetches the highest price. I am talking about you by the way not some other useless fecker. This is me talking to you. You are the victim understand this and the rest of what I am talking about will make a little more sense. We are the corn in the fields the apples in the orchard. Life is a lottery for us. Our lives are filled with meaningless things to keep us preoccupied the same way you keep your kids muzzled to stop you going off the rails. Take one moment here to consider this next point. The system in place is there for one reason. Forget the fact that you do not know me. You can trust me, I have paid my dues for the last ten years writing about this. The system is there to control us. Benefiting us is counter productive. Dail Eireann was set up to be ineffective. The political system has been broken since the day it started. You disagree with me, I know, I know. Then answer me this. If the system was not broken then it would have sorted itself out naturally over the last one hundred years. Do you have a history book? I doubt it because if people were aware of our history, we would not be making these mistakes. Leinster house is the issue. Look at what is happening in any other country what we the people have been doing would already have brought down the establishment. But not Ireland because Ireland is totally in the grip of our jailers our keepers. You Taoiseach cannot do anything he wants because he is only a puppet dangling by a few strings. How many politicians have told you once you get inside you are sucked in then spat out. The parties change, but the monster still roams the corridors of our lives. We need to remove the monster. There are bigger companies in Ireland than our political system and they run smoothly so why can we not mimic their success. Because for one they tell us this is the way that it is and will always be. You still have not sorted out Israel. March up to the door and grab that murderer by the neck and put him on a plane now. What are you waiting for have you fallen asleep on me? Set up revenue to serve and work with the people on the basis of value, if you are a plus for this country and not a minus well then things will be okay for you. If someone owes you money, then revenue will collect it for you so you can pay your bills. Goodbye Europe, we took part in your experiment we want out so our farmers can farm and our fishermen can fish and our resources will pay our way in the future. And ps we will turn this country into a tax haven too, if it makes business sense. And Mr. government here is how I will deal with you. I will dissect you. I will keep the bits that work and replace the bits that do not. Your opinion is irrelevant, it is you that is broken and not myself. We will set up a working system that puts Ireland first and its people firster and yes, I will make up new words if I feel the need. We will examine every shady deal that went unchallenged over the last twenty years and put it right. If you can retrospectivelymess us up we can return the ffavor We know that the government can if they want go back into our history and overturn our lives we should have the same power. We will run this country fairly for the benefit of all and not for the benefit of the few. We will manage our own affairs within the confines of the moral law which never changes. Your written law is the nine lashes that scare and disfigure for ever. We will set up a fair tax system. They more you have, the more you pay. That last point is simple is it not? We will sort out our immigration problem jealously after all this is a small rock not the vast prairies of the big open world. We will take good ideas and use them. We will listen to the public because from this day on we will be working for them alone and not the suit in the invisible chair. We are a proud fearsome nation. You have brought all this upon yourselves. Stand up. Crush your unions for failing you. Stand up to the system before it devours you. You will be if not already a victim of rich people do not stay rich forever, so take a good luck at yourself are you proud of yourself today? I say you are not because that voice in your head is starting to panic. When the revolution comes and it will come have no mistake you will lose the most because you fear losing the most. The time is now. Make your peace. Work for us. You will be treated like a hero. Stand against us and we will wash over you like the spring tide. Ireland is for the Irish. Politicians everywhere take note. No one will be safe. Today is the day you will join the fight for change. Ian Patrick Compton.
Posted on: Mon, 03 Nov 2014 15:20:00 +0000

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