There is a word in Hebrew, not precisely translatable. That word - TopicsExpress


There is a word in Hebrew, not precisely translatable. That word is freier (pronounced fryer). It basically means sucker, in the manner the word was used by P.T.Barnum. I bring it up because it relates to the article linked below. In it, one of Israels leading reporters, Nahum Barnea, discusses the current tumult between the Obama administration and Bibi Netanyahu. Well, as outraged as I am about the abominable behavior, even for them, of the Republicans in Congress, and Netanyahu and his lackeys like Ron Dermer, Obama and John Kerry need to also look at their own behavior. Barnea describes them as deeply offended in particular because they have been going to extraordinary lengths lately, even by the standards of all the things the US usually does for Israel, to protect Israel from ICC prosecution and to calm Iran down after Israels assassination of a leading Hezbollah figure and an Iranian general in Syria. Well, gentlemen, that behavior, after the nearly constant stream of insults, arrogance and spittle in your faces that have come from Netanyahu, with a whole lot of encouragement from his own party and others on the Israeli right, is precisely the definition of a freier. That Netanyahu, and others in his government, has acted in such a manner and yet you do more for him than ANY ADMINISTRATION IN HISTORY EVER HAS makes one wonder why you would think he would change his behavior now. He is having his proverbial cake and eating it too. Why would he give that up? Barack Obama, you are the President of the United States. John Kerry, you are the Secretary of State of the United States. You have allowed Netanyahu to treat you like court jesters for six years now (Kerry for only two, though he surely had a taste of it when he was still in the Senate). Why would you expect that he would change after all that time? Dont you think its time, at long last, to stop the charade and make it clear that this is not how an ally, and a highly dependent one, treats its benefactor who has gone to incredible lengths, and lost quite a bit of its own international political capital to protect its ally despite the clear criminality of that allys occupation and other military misadventures? Isnt enough, at some point, enough? It seems you dont think so. You have allowed Netanyahu to spit in your face and readied for the next stream, to the detriment not only of the US, not only of the broader Middle East, not only of the Palestinian people, but of Israel as well. Why, after all, should Netanyahu stop this arrogant and insulting behavior, if you will allow him to continue to do it with no consequences? One White House official said today that there will be a price for this. Weve heard that before, and so has Bibi. And at worst, the price was scant pennies on the dollar. Its time for it to end. If you cant defend the helpless in the Middle East, if you cant be a true friend of Israel and stop this man from destroying its future, then how about just do the barest minimum of your jobs and stop letting your own country be routinely humiliated by this man whose hubris causes so much devastation and injury? At last, Mr. Obama and Mr. Kerry, have you not a shred of dignity left in you? At last, Mr.Kerry and Mr. Obama, will you finally exact a price for this behavior, and for this blatant interference in US diplomacy and politics? It is long past time.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 04:50:47 +0000

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