There is an CVCHS Board Meeting tomorrow night and I have been - TopicsExpress


There is an CVCHS Board Meeting tomorrow night and I have been made aware that some teachers handed out some flyers to students and parents yesterday regarding this meeting and that there is a lot of contention at this time. Many people have emailed or contacted me about this and so I am posting this so that they and others interested can be aware of my understanding of what is going on with the school First, I would like to remind everyone that there are two sides to every story. I personally find the flyer to be very misleading and out of context. It is meant to scare and alarm and apparently it does. But remember that without knowing all the facts specific facts can be spun by either side to influence the issue. I won’t belabor the point but quickly: A. There are over 80 teachers at CVCHS and so the majority have not taken a vote of no confidence. The flyer takes an isolated fact of 40 permanent vs 80+ total teachers and spins their argument to make people think the majority have no confidence when that is not supported by the facts. Does it concern me that many of the permanent teachers have taken this vote? Yes, it does and I would hope that the two sides can come together and address the concerns and make peace. But you don’t make peace by spreading misinformation in public. The administration and the teachers should sit down in a room and work out their differences, not try and stir up dissension amongst parents and community members who really just want their kids to continue to get great teaching from great teachers. Come together. B. Personnel decisions regarding reprimands and dismissals are confidential and if a staff member or teacher is treated unfairly there are laws and rules that protect them. My guess is that there are confidential reasons we don’t know about for actions taken. Saying people have been reprimanded and lost their jobs solely because they spoke out against the administration is just argument and if there were truly no grounds for reprimand or termination there are legal recourses for those employees. I am not aware of any such legal actions being taken. So there is no facts to support this claim as far as I know. C. There are no facts to support this general statement either. I am aware of the issue of a parent volunteer for copies whose position was eliminated because of a pre-established plan to put more copiers throughout the school, which was done to aid the teachers who needed copies. This parent was given the opportunity to volunteer elsewhere is my understanding. I guess I would say I would need more information on this claim and an opportunity to get the other side of the story. D. I am aware from this claim that a teacher sent a personal email to other teachers and based upon the content apparently reprimanded. I also have seen the union letter to the school indicating they would be filing an unfair labor practices action on this reprimand. I am aware that the school would have consulted with its attorneys both in the reprimand and in response to the letter from the union and so whatever response the school had to this letter has been vetted by the attorneys. I have seen no unfair labor practices filing despite the claim. Remember, you can always threaten but actions speak louder than words. Even if an action were filed, unless and until they get a finding it is nothing more than a one sided argument saying it was unfair. The other side says it was fair and justified. Two sides to every story and it is confidential so I reserve judgment until it plays out one way or the other. E. The hostility that I have seen has been from a minority group of teachers toward the Board and administration (FYI the school videotapes these meetings and so anyone can see the lack of respect and civility shown if they desire). I am not on campus every day and so maybe there is some truth to what they believe is occurring, which is why they should sit down civilly and respectfully and work through their issues with the administration and not wage a public campaign like what is occurring. On the other hand, if they are unhappy they do have the option of leaving, just like everyone in the private sector if they are unhappy with their job. I have been made aware that the teachers union representative sent out an email indicating that under the law those that resigned from MDUSD still had time to re-apply to the district and keep their tenure and retirement package. This email also indicated that the re-application would be streamlined and, according to the union representative, “you should be aware that this is a good time to be a teacher. For a variety of reasons, schools/districts are finding it challenging to fill openings. There are local districts that still have full time openings left from the beginning of the school year. I know that MDUSD still has openings in special education, Spanish, math, and some sciences in high schools for the present year that still have not been filled. They have said that they would like to be very proactive about getting teachers hired for next year (2015-2016), and want to do this sooner rather than later.” Therefore, while we would hate to lose good teachers it appears that they have many options if they desire. F. Everyone who is interested should attend the meetings, on this we agree. But do so with an open mind and do not give in to hyperbole and innuendo. Make up your own mind and judge everyone on both sides by their actions. Second, I would urge everyone to remember that the current Board is made up of two teachers, an administrator, a staff member, a retired teacher, a community member (there were two before one resigned and there will be two again, and two parents, who are all our friends and neighbors who were previously elected or appointed to this Board. Just because they make decisions that one side does not agree with does not mean they are now evil and not doing their jobs. In fact, if you look at these people, they are the ones who have shown a true volunteer commitment throughout the years that cannot be denied just because a few don’t like the decisions they make. They are doing what they feel best given all the facts and circumstances of which they are aware. In fact, they are the only ones who know the confidential personnel facts and issues that can only be discussed in closed session due to employment laws and privacy rights. Therefore, I am confident that the majority based decisions they have made are being made with good faith and in earnest given their understanding of the facts. All the hyperbole, innuendo and partial other facts and arguments that can be made, by both sides, must be taken with a grain of salt. Third, given the high amount of tension and animosity being shown, everyone should do their own investigation into issues they are concerned about and not just accept one side’s arguments. That means talking to both sides and keeping an open mind. Fourth, from my own knowledge and investigation, I have my own feelings and am comfortable with the prior decisions made by the Board. I would wish that the timing on some items was better but sometimes the timing cannot be controlled. I am comfortable that on those confidential personnel decisions that have been made that the independent attorneys hired by the school have been involved in the process and it is their job to let the Board and administration whether their actions are legal and supportable. Assuming the Board is following the advice of the attorneys, I am comfortable with the decisions. Fifth, I also believe that the minority of teachers and staff that are protesting have some legitimate concerns that can and should be addressed going forward. Sixth, I also believe that the way this minority group is going about addressing their concerns is very wrong and not in the spirit of which this charter was formed. In particular, the way in which this group shows disrespect and a lack of civility in public meetings toward their boss and the Board composed of volunteers who are doing what they feel is right is shameful. Arguments and disagreements can and will occur but disrespect, lack of civility and decorum diminish us all. Make your arguments, disagree and urge change in whatever direction you want, but do it properly. Seventh, I am aware of one potential community boardmember has withdrawn his application to serve on the Board because he saw how the current board is being bullied and treated with such disrespect at the last several meetings. He has stated this in an email withdrawing from consideration. I am also aware from directly talking with retired teacher Dick Ellis that he too was shocked and disappointed at the lack of respect and civility shown to the Board and the administration. Is this what the minority group wants, to bully good candidates from running for a position on the Board? As stated, these tactics are beneath us all and should not be tolerated or condoned going forward. I would ask any of you who go to the meeting to ask yourselves if both sides are conducting themselves with appropriate respect and civility and, if not, to request they do so going forward. Eighth, from my experience being on the City Council for years and being subjected to many personal attacks, I am sure that many will attempt to discredit my thoughts and opinions. To that I say you should look at my motivations, my facts and my arguments and judge for yourself. Don’t disregard what I or anyone else (including the other side) says just because you don’t like me or them or someone says they can or cannot be trusted or they have an agenda. We all have agendas and motivations and biases. I have tried to be an open and transparent as possible as to mine and hope you make up your own mind on this post and the issues. Ninth, we have been told by outside consultants that all conversion charters go through growing pains like we are experiencing. That doesn’t make it easier but it does show we are not unique. Other schools have gotten through their issues and we can too if we work together cooperatively, civilly and respectfully. We are all neighbors in this small community and if we keep that in mind we will get through this and move on together. Please feel free to repost and share this if you are so inclined.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 19:14:06 +0000

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