There is an age old debate that is soon coming to an end. This - TopicsExpress


There is an age old debate that is soon coming to an end. This debate has taken place since the dawn of time: free will vs determinism, whether free will is an illusion or not. If free will is an illusion you have no problems, the world has no problems, everything is simply leading to a massive Resurrection of unconditional love. everything must happen as it will, you have nothing to regret, and your perception of a problem is where the problem is when in face there is no problem. If free will is not an illusion, well.....we have a big problem on our hands: over population, tyranny, oppression, global warming, extinction, no justice, no mercy. too much freedom perhaps? where is God? we being God, decided to up the ante of the game of hide and seek (divine amnesia) and some of us are coming out of that amnesia and waking the "others" up. as we awake, we become one and become stronger, overthrowing the oppression by way of knowledge is power and wisdom is might a.k.a. The Garden of Gnosis. The ones who lose in this game are the ones whose karma does not allow them faith, belief, trust, unconditional love....does not allow them to awaken into their divine God-hood, their divine Buddha-hood, into the universal soul. that scenario falls true whether free will is an illusion or not. my stance should be clear. all will come to light soon enough. Patience during an era of impatience. the path of least resistance is not always the best. some could care less about any of this: sleep on. eternal bliss in the here-and-now is not for you sleepers. enjoy the hamster wheel of the senses. I dream of a day where we can all gather to sing, laugh, dance, be joyous and carefree. I dream of a day where we can take back our lives from the internet, from the t.v., from the matrix. where we can drop our pretentious personas, our masks, our fears and weakness and truly laugh, truly be free, truly dance in an uncontrollable joy and bliss. we have no choice but to watch this movie play out. the good news is, you are all the leading roles, the star actors and actresses. that you play two parts, the lead actor and also the supporting actor to one anothers movies. all the worlds a stage, and we bought into our roles way to seriously. its time to see whats been taking place behind the scenes. its time to build a new stage, a new set. its time to walk away from comedy and tragedy, from fear and loathing, into joy and bliss, happiness and unity.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 00:57:57 +0000

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