There is an article in the paper today - and comments when you log - TopicsExpress


There is an article in the paper today - and comments when you log on to trib; here is my response: Pokes--beautiful words and I thank you both for your service and for your thoughts of our family. Although your words ring true; to me, Memorial Day is a day earned by fallen soldiers. Now, I dont expect families to sit home and wring their hands and cry and be miserable. I dont plan to. I plan on being with friends and family - but not in celebration. The seniors of High School have also earned a day of recognition. Their families are proud of them, they are proud of themselves and are glad high school is behind them. However, to take the premise of Memorial Day and disrespect it with a milestone for teens doesnt make sense to me. I agree, my son, Scott Alan Miller, did die for Americans to enjoy the fruits of life. To order pizza when they want pizza, to watch a movie, or have a picnic, to get slugged on the arm by your buddy or hug the ones you love. These are but minute examples of what fallen soldiers gifted us with. And I also agree that Americans should enjoy life to the fullest. All Im saying is that this is hurtful to families. Before Bob and I lost our son, we didnt pay much attention to what Memorial Day was; for that Im sorry. And most of the public feel this way. Its another day off work or the start of summer; whatever you want to call it. Its not wrong to be this way - its normal. If death hasnt touched you or your family by way of the Armed Forces, you just dont realize. All that being said - It is time we did realize. It is time we support the fallen, the past Veterans and the soldiers that are still fighting for your rights as Americans. You dont have to support the war; but as a human being and as an American - you must support the troops. Im not going to fling mud or call names, or argue with anyone on this matter. That doesnt do any good for anyone. All I ask is that you respect what Memorial Day was set in motion FOR. It is NOT just another day off of work, its NOT time for graduations. It is a time to say thank you, remember and not be forgotten. As for Hopkins and the school board - still shame on you. As I read the article in the paper today - it indicated it was inconvenient to have graduation during the week due to travel or whatever -- heres a thought! MY SON DIED - I WOULD SAY THAT WAS PRETTY INCONVENIENT. Susi Miller All gave some, but some gave all
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 17:38:45 +0000

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