There is an ongoing debate amongst African Americans about trying - TopicsExpress


There is an ongoing debate amongst African Americans about trying to eliminate films about slavery from being produced. Many prominent blacks in entertainment said they are just tired of seeing it and they want to see other stories. Here is my take on it... First, the financial leaders in Black Entertainment (Spike Lee, Jay-Z, Nick Cannon, Oprah, Beyonce, Will Smith, Kevin Hart & Tyler Perry just to name a few) have enough capital to produce whatever films we as a people would like to see. It is up to us as a people to support the films we claim to want to see... Second, I feel slave films are still very necessary to continue to share our history with the younger generation. I had a conversation with a group of my college kids this summer after watching The Butler, and many of them were shocked by the events that took place during the Civil Rights Movement. 18-20 year old kids saying, Coach D we didnt know it was that bad... As a product of the public school system in NYC I will tell you, Americas ugly truth is not a large part of the curriculum. For those old enough to remember Roots, Glory and Amistad I can understand your feelings, but there is a generation of young African Americans that truly dont know... Films like 12 Years A Slave may be the only opportunity for some to learn, create dialogue and understand history. I feel the film was not only GREAT, but NECESSARY!!! #DevalesTruth
Posted on: Mon, 03 Mar 2014 18:15:21 +0000

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