There is an unspoken assumption from most of us that we really - TopicsExpress


There is an unspoken assumption from most of us that we really want the people on the stage or on the book or album cover or on the radio need to have it together more than we do. Because we are messed up, we need them to be a sort of savior and hope for us..... So Christians that would normally buy a beer don’t because they are in the Christian concert. Christian bands that smoke (which a lot of them if not most of them do, including some of my players) have to duck into back alleys as to not offend anybody. I think smoking is stupid. But I think it’s stupid because it smells bad and it kills you. I don’t use my religion to judge other people about it.... Rather than just being honest about where we are at and what we all struggle with though, we look to our gatekeepers to believe and live morally vicariously for us. That way we feel better about being part of the system of good, and the moral brokenness in our own lives is repressed like the fear of a child with her security blanket. This sort of dishonesty is at the heart of much of what I and so many others find so repulsive about much of modern American Christendom. awakengeneration.wordpress/2011/11/16/michael-gungor-on-the-problem-with-the-christian-music-industry/
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 05:53:58 +0000

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