There is an urgent matter that concerns everyone and more - TopicsExpress


There is an urgent matter that concerns everyone and more immediately anyone who has children or nieces and nephews or is concerned about the children in Torontos schools and soon schools elsewhere as well. Ive shared a number of times before that the Chinese regime starts their indoctrination and brainwashing of Chinese people when they are children in school. They will be doing this in Toronto as well. Yes, Toronto. The process has already started to bring Confucius Institutes into the public school system in Toronto and the Toronto School Board has been pushing this through without consulting the public and without posting it on their website. It has been done under the table so to speak. It can be stopped, but only if we, the public, speak out. There are some simple actions we can take and we should do so as soon as possible. An excellent website has been set up very quickly by individuals who are extremely concerned about this matter as we should all be. If you prefer, you can go to the site which has a lot of information about the Confucius Institutes (CI) and just skip what Ive written below, but definitely go to the site as there is something that everyone can do now and it is easy. On the website there is a yellow tab that says ACT NOW. It will take you to a page with two areas. One is a petition. Anyone can sign this petition. There is also a place on the page to contact Toronto School Board trustees who are in charge of this decision. For people in Toronto, you can send a message to your local Toronto School Board trustee and let them know you want them to stop this outrageous initiative. There is a link to easily find your trustee. Please take a few minutes to do this, as this is part of a much larger agenda by the regime, which effects us all. The so-called Confucius Institutes are pure propaganda tools for the Chinese communist regime which has been already shown clearly, as they are set up on a number of university and college campuses internationally. It is not surprising that the Chinese regime is doing this, but it is shocking and outrageous that the Toronto School Board would be either so incredibly naive, or have been enticed in a variety of possible ways to allow this to happen. For most of its history, the regime actually condemned and disdained Confucius and his teachings until they realized they could use his name to fulfill propaganda goals since Confucius is a highly regarded person around the world. Here is what Canada’s Security Intelligence Service (C.S.I.S. - basically Canadas CIA) has to say about the Confucius Institutes: “CIs have a primarily political agenda. Although this is not stated on the website of Hanban (Chinese National Office for Teaching Chinese as a foreign Language) or in the contracts it signs with host institutions, Chinese leaders describe it as an organization for spreading propaganda and building soft power.” Here is what a long time head of Chinas propaganda institute says about these institutes: “Confucius Institutes are an important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up.” Li Changchun, CCP propaganda head (2002-2013) Of course, the regime will not stop in Toronto and I would bet they are in the process of trying to establish these vile enterprises in many cities, just as they have already done on college and university campuses internationally where they are spreading this propaganda and false perspectives to college and university campuses. However many universities have actually banned the CIs and McMaster University kicked out their CI when it was shown that the CIs discriminate against people who are connected to any of the many groups that the regime persecutes in China. The regime will not be able to go full out with their propaganda and ideological indoctrination in the same way they do with the kids in China, but they will start by teaching the kids that China is great and this is in large part because the Chinese regime is a wonderful, caring and terrific entity that only does good things and that the system in China is a good system that everyone should embrace. Our kids will learn that this barbaric, destructive regime is something that is good, which is an early step in a larger goal of the regime in my opinion. All teachers are chosen by the regime. The teachers are forbidden to talk about human rights in China or about persecuted groups in China or to give any negatives perspectives of China. They will also teach their false history of China and a false version of Chinese culture. The regime has no benevolence. Their is always an ulterior motive behind everything they do and now they have targeted our children. Many mainstream media reports have actually cautioned about these institutes, so it is extremely irresponsible for the Toronto School Board to have allowed this to proceed this far. You can see these media reports on the website I linked here. Please take a few minutes to stop this malevolent process that is now targeting our children from going forward.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:48:30 +0000

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