There is another piece to be said around our Crowd Funding - TopicsExpress


There is another piece to be said around our Crowd Funding Campaign which missed its target even yet realizing the statistics state that 60% of campaigns fail. The reasons though are usually because the story was not well told and/or there was a lack of a good story being told via video. We told a compelling story and still had the results that we had and had over 4,800 visits to our campaign page. I am filled with mixed emotions and a bit of clarity. What follows is both data and my own judgment and not intended as a rant, just an offer of some insight. Going back to the time when Dawn and I had no other choice than to close the metaphysical experience that was Stone Spirit Lodge to the present when another center of such Light & Love is having to make that same difficult choice. And there are numerous other worthy funding campaigns afoot, struggling to meet goal or that have been unsuccessfully undertaken. Data: the Kansas City Metroplex is abundant with phenomenal Musicians, Artists, Writers and Metaphysicans of all manner. We are so rich in Divine talent, sufficient even in numbers to dramatically affect the awakening of this planet just from the Heartland-shining out as a radiant beacon to the world at large. And you do know who we are! If you are irritated by every rub, how will your mirror be polished? ~Rumi Judgment: and yet, for me, here is the rub: we as a Spiritual Community do NOT support the wealth of talent that we have here. This eventually will be a substantial loss to the community at large. Maybe after all, Kansas City is just not far enough ahead of the curve to realize what is at risk. Maybe, the simplest answer, even for those of us with deep roots in this certain spot upon the globe, is that we will have to pursue our Divine dreams closer to the waters of Mother Earth, on one coast or another. For me,I know that my ecstatic poetry is a Divine Gift that I have received to be shared widely. I know that I will be embarking on a National Book Tour in 2015-2016 to indeed take this work to the highest level performing before ever larger and larger audiences. This is now my lifes mission. In closing, my fervent desire, is for Kansas City & this Spiritual Community to WAKE UP! to what is right in front of our eyes, the amazing amalgamation of Spiritual Talent right here, right now where we are--to see, acknowledge and support all of us prophets, seemingly unknown in our home town.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 20:09:56 +0000

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