There is good news for Dessert lovers! During Diwali, the - TopicsExpress


There is good news for Dessert lovers! During Diwali, the temptation is too great to devour sweets and desserts. However, desserts have acquired a terrible reputation over the years…..good for nothing, causes weight gain, etc. But there is good news….there are some positive/benefits of having Desserts. Benefits • Helps lose weight. Eating desserts can be beneficial for weight . Most people on diets resist all dessert foods to avoid gaining weight and then end up binging on unhealthy foods in the middle of their diet to satisfy their craving for sweet food. Having a small sweet snack as a dessert every night can satisfy cravings while dieting to prevent binging. • Provide Nutrition While Dieting. While dieting, most people do not eat enough to properly provide their bodies with nutrition and thus makes the cravings for unhealthy foods even worse. A rich dessert can provide the body with the missing nutrients and also gives more energy. . Depending on the dessert, one can have plenty of nutrients in a sweet snack. For instance, strawberry banana smoothies can provide body with vitamin C, antioxidants and helps fight off wrinkles, poor eyesight and even cancer. The bananas provide the body with vitamin B6 and plenty of potassium. No Need to Risk Extra Calories to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth Plenty of low-calorie healthy desserts are an option for satisfying sweet cravings. Healthy desert recipes are available in numerous cookbooks and online. Sugar free desserts can cut a lot of calories while maintaining their delicious taste with other flavors. Any fruit can be turned into a delicious low-fat smoothie. If you still want sugar, try some low-fat dessert recipes.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 06:14:36 +0000

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