There is great deception and error within the church today and its - TopicsExpress


There is great deception and error within the church today and its members. Most of this comes from the fundamental error that once you have received Christ now you have a new heart and you can see all things. Because of this many believers are lead into error and destruction because they believe much of the scripture in admonitions and warnings do not apply to them. The result is that when they see scripture that says to be sober and alert, to have a oil in reserve, and etc they believe this has nothing to do with them but only others. When the Word says to have eyes that see and ears to hear they believe they have this in full because they have seen a little and heard a little. All men are born into darkness so that, once a person believes he receives a little light, but his eyes are not accustomed to light so what he thinks is great like is really only a flicker of light. Jesus said that only those who are of the truth hear His voice. Here again is great error in that new believers and baby believers make the false assumption that they are instantly made 100 percent of the truth at new birth and yet the truth says that until you have become perfect you are not 100 percent of the truth. The reality is that there are many, many, many things within ones heart and soul which are opposed to the truth. Only as these things are mortified through the cross of Christ are we then brought more and more into conformity with the truth. The baby Christian only sees good vs evil, or sins in the matter of Gods righteousness and his good and perfect will. The truth is, there are many, many things in your own heart and soul which stand in opposition to Gods righteousness and His own will. We must carry the cross in order to constantly nullify all of these things which oppose God. Many, many times we will find our own hearts desires and our own will, having nothing to do with sin, will oppose Gods will. Because these things are in opposition to Gods will they are also in opposition to the truth and the result is a lack of sight and hearing. The reality is that we are not yet fully of the truth until these things are removed. As all hindrances and obstacles are removed we then find ourselves more and more of the truth and in line with the truth which relates to Gods righteousness and his good and perfect will. So then, having said all of this, we can begin to see the truth that it is impossible for a new believer or a baby believer to have much light and truth since they have only just begun to bear their own cross. Unless one truly begins to walk in great measure through the narrow gate and the constricted path that leads to life he has not yet much of that life that is the light of men. We MUST walk through this narrow gate and then continue along the path so that as we go along, we are transformed by the removing, nullifying, mortifying work of the cross which we now carry wherever we go. The greater the affects of the cross the lighter we become.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 00:39:47 +0000

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