There is never an excuse for a man or woman to physically assault - TopicsExpress


There is never an excuse for a man or woman to physically assault each other. The manner in which Ray Rice assaulted his then fiancé was downright barbaric, heartless & disturbing. The fact that she moved forward a month later to marry him is mind boggling, perhaps she did not see the video and how he scorned her unconscious body. His lack of remorse, compassion and affection as she laid on the ground unresponsive was more shocking than the knock out blow he coldly delivered. My contemplations about her motives for marrying him after such a brutal experience are theoretical & assumptive at best. I do align with Whoopi Goldberg, that a woman should be prepared to be accountable and suited to handle retaliation for striking a man in bout of anger. Keep your hands to your damn self and elevate your communication. Hitting each other is NEVER OK. Punch a wall. Further more, if you are in a relationship where physical assault is even hinted at, it is time to part ways. Finally, it is not surprising the NFL Commissioner tried to shield one of its golden geese rather than serving amount of PR tricks can sweep what took place on that elevator under the rug. There should be mandatory training for these athletes in relational awareness...these lucrative muti-million dollar contracts and public adoration can really feed an ego to believe the hype, and deem one untouchable and above basic human decency.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 09:39:02 +0000

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