There is no Eid for the occupied and the oppressed.There is no Eid - TopicsExpress


There is no Eid for the occupied and the oppressed.There is no Eid for a mother who grieves hermurdered child as long as his/her killer still roamshis/her birthplace.There is no Eid for a father hugging his child,trying to ease his/her pain with words, stories andpromises of a better day, watching the beloved childdie a slow death in a besieged homeland.There is no Eid for a mother who wakes up on themorning of the Eid and wonders if her son/daughterwho is in coma, because of the occupier’s bullet, willever wake up and witness another Eid.There is no Eid for a mother struggling to raise thechildren of the martyr and to keep his memoryalive.There is no Eid for a father who lies on his deathbedand prays, not for a recovery, but prays to bespared long enough, even for a minute, just to touchagain the face of his imprisoned son/daughter.There is no Eid for a mother who sitsin the dark inher murdered child’s room on the Eid morning andholds his/her pillow, touches him/her, smells her/herand hears the laughter that will never again ring inthat room.There is no Eid for a father who is greeted everymorn and every eve with the blood of his murderedchild that refuses to wash away, but instead draws amap of homeland yearning for freedom.There is no Eid for a child who tries to rememberthe face of his/her murdered father, the smile ofhis/her raped mother, the laughter of his/herbutchered sibling.There is no Eid for a child who receives his/herEidiyyeh from the grandfather and hears himwhisper: next Eid we will be free andyou will getyour Eidiyyeh from your father.There is no Eid for a child yearning for every word,every description of the father, the mother he/shenever knew.There is no Eid for a child whose father wasmurdered, whose house was demolished, who sits infront of a tent he/she calls home surrounded by thevillas and Mercedeses of those who sold out the bloodof the martyrs.There is no Eid for a comrade who mourns thefriend, the brother, the sister that was snatchedaway from life by an occupier’s bullet.There is no Eid for a comrade who recalls thesacrifices of those who took the pathof resistanceand tries keeping the flame of resistance alive untilliberation.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:35:24 +0000

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