"There is no amount lies that can convince a grade one child that - TopicsExpress


"There is no amount lies that can convince a grade one child that sanctions are the ones that are causing power cuts, perennial water shortages in cities and towns and the continued presence of pathetic infrastructure since 1980. This is a damn blue lie. Zanu PF has inflicted a lot of suffering to ordinary Zimbabweans, including our much respected war vets and the elderly, and they hide behind the sanctions issue. Zanu PF has ran out of steam and its has permanently lost all the features and characteristics of a political party. As result, it has become a club of corrupt criminals masquerading as a political party. It has dismally failed to crop up any idea on how to address the devilish ills it overwhelmingly inflicted in our societies and economy. How can a party field a candidate who is 89 years old? Even a loyal supporter of this club of criminals may ask himself/herself whether they are making a right decision to vote for such an old man with a well documented history of failure for 33 years, instead of a 61 year old energetic man. Zimbabweans are a prayerful people and surely they will not elect a leader of a club of murderers, looters and rapists who have successfully planted corruption and nepotism in the populace. This club of criminals is violent, just like what criminals do. Surely the strength of this club lies in violence and abuse of our legal system and national institutions. They think that they are the vanguards of independence and they own us, they are landlords. They have made us tenants in our motherland and that will not be acceptable anymore. We are tired of this thing called Zanu PF. Zimbabweans lets vote out these pathetic old people. Change is here, it begins with u! #NehandaCitizenReports via Whatsapp +447778557615
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 18:25:11 +0000

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