There is no back biting when it comes to the misguided Sufis and - TopicsExpress


There is no back biting when it comes to the misguided Sufis and ahlul Bidah Abu Abdillah Muhammad al Andulusi said in Usool us Sunnah of Ibn Abee Zamaneen, And Ahlus Sunnah did not cease to degrade and insult the misguided alhul ahwaa This is in reference to their heads and callers Also.... Here are 14 narrations: 1. Al-A’amash reported that Ibraaheem (An-Nakha’ee) said: “There is no backbiting with regard to (talking about) the innovator.” [Al-Laalikaa’ee (1/140, no: 276)] 2. Al-Hasan Al-Basree said: “There is no backbiting with regard to (talking about) the innovator or the sinner who openly professes his evil.” [Al-Laalikaa’ee (1/140, no: 279)] 3. And he also said: “There is no backbiting when it concerns the people of innovations.” [Al-Laalikaa’ee (1/140, no: 280)] 4. Al-Fudayl Ibn ‘Iyyaad said: “Whoever enters upon a person of innovation, then he has no sanctity (i.e. protection from being talked about).” [Al-Laalikaa’ee (1/140, no: 282) ] 5. Sufyaan Ibn ‘Uyainah said: “Shu’abah used to say: ‘Come let us backbite for the sake of Allaah, ‘azza wa jall.’” [Al-Kifaayah fee ‘Ilm-ir-Riwaayah of al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (91) and Sharh ‘Ilal At-Tirmidhee of Ibn Rajab (1/349)] 6. Abu Zayd Al-Ansaaree An-Nahwee said: “Shu’abah came to us on a rainy day and said: ‘This is not a day for (learning) hadeeth. Today is a day for backbiting. Come let us backbite the liars (in hadeeth).’” [Al-Kifaayah fee ‘Ilm-ir-Riwaayah of al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (91)] 7. On the authority of Makkee Ibn Ibraaheem who said: “Shu’abah used to go to ‘Imraan Ibn Hudayr saying (to him): ‘O ‘Imraan, come let us backbite for an hour for the sake of Allaah.’ And they would mention the faults and defects of hadeeth reporters.” [Al-Kifaayah fee ‘Ilm-ir-Riwaayah of al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (91)] 8. Abu Zur’ah Ad-Dimashqee said: “I heard Abu Mushar being asked about a man that makes mistakes, misconstrues and distorts ahaadeeth, so he said: ‘Make his affair known.’ So I said to Abu Zur’ah: ‘Do you consider that to be backbiting?’ He said: ‘No.’” [Sharh ‘Ilal At-Tirmidhee of Ibn Rajab (1/349) and Al-Kifaayah of Al-Baghdaadee (91-92) but there occurs in Al-Khateeb’s report: So I said to Abu Mushar instead of So I said to Abu Zur’ah.] 9. ‘Abdullah Ibn Al-Mubaarak said: “Al-Mi’allaa Ibn Hilaal is fine except when it comes to hadeeth, he lies.” So someone among the sufis (i.e. ascetics) said: “O Abu ‘Abdir-Rahmaan! Are you backbiting?” So he said: “Be quiet! If we do not clarify this, how will the truth be made known from the falsehood?” [Sharh ‘Ilal At-Tirmidhee of Ibn Rajab (1/349) and Al-Kifaayah of Al-Baghdaadee (91-92) ] 10. ‘Abdullaah, the son of Imaam Ahmad said: “Abu Turaab An-Nakhshabee once went to my father, so my father began saying ‘this person is weak’ and ‘that person is reliable.’ So Abu Turaab said: ‘O Shaikh, do not backbite the scholars!’ So my father turned to him and said: ‘Woe be to you! This is advice, this is not backbiting.”[Al-Kifaayah fee ‘Ilm-ir-Riwaayah of al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadee (92) and Sharh ‘Ilal At-Tirmidhee of Ibn Rajab (1/350)] 11. Muhammad Ibn Bindaar As-Sabbaak Al-Jarjaanee said: “I once said to Ahmad Ibn Hanbal: ‘Verily, it is becoming hard upon me to say: (So and so is weak) and (so and so is a liar). So Ahmad said: ‘If you remain silent and I remain silent, then who will make the ignorant person aware of the authentic from the defective?’”[Majmoo’-ul-Fataawaa of Ibn Taimiyyah (28/231)] 12. Shaudhab reported that Katheer Abu Sahl said: “It used to be said: ‘The people of desires do not have any sanctity (i.e. protection from being talked about).” [Al-Laalilkaa’ee (1/140, no: 281)] 13. Al-Hasan Ibn ‘Alee Al-Iskaafee said: “I asked Abu ‘Abdillaah Ahmad Ibn Hanbal about the meaning of backbiting. He responded: “It is when you mention the defect of a person.” I said: “What if the person says: ‘Do not hear (hadeeth) from so and so’ and ‘Such and such person makes mistakes (in his narration)?’” He said: “If the people were to abandon doing this, the authentic would not be known from its opposite.” [Sharh ‘Ilal At-Tirmidhee (1/350-351)] 14. Isma’eel Al-Khatabee said: ‘Abdullaah Ibn Ahmad reported to us, saying: “I said to my father: ‘What do you say about seekers of Hadeeth going to a teacher who perhaps is murji’ee or a shi’ee or he has some opposition to the Sunnah in him. Is it permitted for me to remain silent about him or should I warn against him?’ So my father said: ‘If he calls the people to innovation and he is an Imaam (or a head figure) in that and calls to that, then yes, warn against him.’” [Al-Kifaayah (93) and Sharh ‘Ilal At-Tirmidhee (1/350) ]
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 06:52:48 +0000

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