There is no biblical truth, scripture or wisdom that supports - TopicsExpress


There is no biblical truth, scripture or wisdom that supports these 7 common Untruths: 1. Sunday is Gods appointed day to worship: The Sabbath day is Saturday. Saturday is the seventh day of the week (Sabbath), while Sunday is the first day of the week. The seventh day according to Gods calendar is—and always has been—the Sabbath day, a day of rest. You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing the sanctification of Sunday as the Sabbath day. Sunday is the selected day, traditional day, that we choose worship and it is perfectly fine to do so but its not the Sabbath day. 2. Spiritual Gifts are the same for all: All do not receive the same Gift. Who receives which spiritual gift is determined by God for his purpose and His glory...No man determines, decides or chooses his/her spiritual gift, and no man/woman is the gift -- the gift is the Holy Spirit operating through man for Gods purpose. This makes the Gift independent of the sinner. (1 Cor. 12:1-31, Ephesians 4:11-12). Which gift does the word of God say that we should all desire to have? -- 1 Cor. 14:5. 3. Speaking in tongues is for believers: Speaking in tongues in a congregation/church is not for believers, it is for unbelievers. Therefore the bible says to be in order, tongues are not to be spoken by more than 3 and not to be spoken without an interpreter -- how else can the unbeliever know what youre talking about. (1 Cor. 14:1-28) 4. Church is the building: Church is not the building, the building is the congregation of believers. The Universal Church is the Body of Christ that includes all believers. (Matthew 16:16-18) 5. Denominations are Gods creation: There is not one denomination that is Gods creation except Christian. Any other denomination is mans creation. Not one denomination is in the bible as a biblical condition of worship, salvation or relationship with God. 6. Worship is what we do on Sunday Morning: Worship is not based on where we are, worship is who we are...Christians are Worshippers and, We worship God in spirit and in truth. Worshippers go to church to fellowship with other worshippers. (John 4:24, Heb. 10:24-25) 7. The bible said communion is served on the First Sunday of the Month. The bible never did say this nor is it a biblical requirement. The bible said, As often as you do this (communion), which means when you do, not on which day you do it on. We choose the first Sunday as a symbolic ritual but the bible does not limit communion to the First Sunday of the Month. (1 Cor. 17-26). Whatever we do in Christ, do it to be a BOSS -- Built On your Saviors Standards. We cannot worship God without truth or based on lies. Know God and the reason for everything you do in Christ for your self -- base it on the bible. Just because people say Lord, Lord does not mean we all follow the word, or are necessarily going to heaven (Matthew 7:21).
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:58:44 +0000

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