There is no doubting the fact that Nigeria as a social system is - TopicsExpress


There is no doubting the fact that Nigeria as a social system is basically passing through a most challenging period in its one hundred years of existence since its amalgamation in 1914. The year 2015 is fundamentally and historically important and specific year that will determine and shape another foundation for Nigeria upon which the continuity or demise of Nigeria will be based. It is in the process of laying a new foundation for Nigeria that I am compelled to put pen to paper about 2015, the change we need and the triangular desperation that I have noticed as a system analyst. Change is about the only phenomenon that is permanent in life. So, if life is about system and system is about life, it only suggests that a system cannot be immune to change. If a system does not change now, it will definitely at a later date. For Nigeria, therefore, whether there is a call for change or not, change is definite for her but I must quickly ask what is the change we need and in what particular direction should the change go?. This is very important because a ‘New Nigeria’ is about to emerge in 2015. That is the main reason we need to ask these basic questions in order to lay the solid foundation required for another one hundred years ahead of us. This foundation will be laid by no other persons but Nigerians for Nigeria. It is, therefore, a great opportunity for all Nigerians to contribute to the process of re-shaping and determining how our collective patrimony will fare in years to come. I will anchor my argument on two theoretical positions in an attempt to explain what to do about 2015, the type of change Nigeria needs now and the triangular desperation as I see it. The first position is the system theory rooted in the works of foremost sociologist Emile Durkehim which was later adapted by social psychologist Uri Bronfenbrenner. The theory simply provides the basis to analyse the complex nature of human interaction within a social environment. It is a theory that enables us to understand the components and dynamics of a system in order to interpret problems and develop balanced intervention strategies, with the goal of enhancing the “goodness of fit” between individuals and their environments. The second position is a mere adoption of Galtungs Structural Theory of imperialism where he established a harmony of interest between the Centre in the Centre Nations (i.e. the government of advanced countries) like the USA and the centre in the peripherynations (i.e. the government of less developed countries like Nigeria). As long as there is a harmony of interest between the two centres, which is basically against the interest of the poor masses in the less developed countries, there will be continuous sustenance of the structure that promotes both parties interest. How DoTheseTwo Positions Explain The Subject Matter Of This Paper? 2015 is a year of decision, which must be made by Nigerians. Individual Nigerians and the political parties, particularly the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and the All Progressives Party (APC) must decide which way for Nigeria from year 2015. What I have noticed is a very high tempo of desperation on the part of the individuals in Nigeria, the PDP and APC.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 20:12:27 +0000

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