There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, - TopicsExpress


There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 Fear is False Evidence Appearing Real. How many of us fear things and situations because we have fallen to false evidence appearing real? If so and so stops loving me I will die? If this or that does not work out I will die. Well neither one of those statements are real. If you dont eat or drink for a long enough period of time you will die. Both food and water are essential to our living as human beings. The only love we need to survive is the love of God. I love my wife and my family dearly and it would cause me great pain to loose any of them. However, I would not die as a direct result of loosing them. For most of us we have no true understanding of what agape love means nor what the love of God produces within all who worship in truth. There is no fear in love. You see when we are wrapped up and engulfed by the love of God we should have no fear because we are walking and living in His love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. Perfect love is the only love our God an give and when we learn to rest in His love we trust and believe that He will guide us through whatever the circumstance or situation. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. If we are true worshipers in spirit and truth there should not be fear within us. The love of God should drive out and conquer all fear and bring us to the realization that there is no mountain too high or valley to low that God, but God, cant deliver us from. Take a minute to think about what you get from your earthly love or loves and reflect on the love of God. My wife loves me dearly but her love cant match the love of God. Have you ever been in a situation or relationship where you were the only one in love? That is probably the worse feeling ever. My dad would always tell me son, you cant be in a relationship by yourself. What dad was telling me was that no matter how much you love someone if they dont share the same feelings thats not a healthy relationship. However, God loved us before we even knew Him. God loved us while we were still in our mothers womb. God loves us so very much He gave His only begotten son. Thats unconditional love. Perfect love does not shift when we do wrong. Perfect love does not leave when we hurt or do wrong to one another. Perfect love withstands the test of time and the error of our ways. Perfect love should produce a Christ Like attitude in your life. Perfect love should ignite a fire that energizes you for Christ. Perfect love should allow you to see others as Christ first saw you. Are you sharing Gods perfect love? Perfect love should shape you to be the church and not settle for just going to church. Keep Pushing The Stone! Chris Pender, Sr. MHS
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 13:38:57 +0000

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