There is no giver of happiness or misery. You give it to yourself- - TopicsExpress


There is no giver of happiness or misery. You give it to yourself- SriSri 21st July Montreal Satsang Transcript Q. How to stop nuclear waste A. Our oceans are dumped with so much garbage you can create a new continent around it. That much waste. Thats why we should be environmentally conscious. Ask people to use less plastics and be kind to nature. Tribal people live in Africa, Asia even south America have their villages so clean no garbage at all. In forest no animal dumps garbage. All the animals know how to keep the forest clean. Nature knows how to maintain. Its only the so called civilised people. Q. There is a constant running for recognition and importance in my life. All my decisions are based recognition. Importance has been one of the major motivation for me to do any work including seva. I can see this sometimes but still dwelling into it. Please advise. A. Its good that you recognise. Once you recognise it you are already coming out of it. Once or thrice you do seva but dont tell anyone about it. Quietly you do. Dont put your name. Quietly giving. Gupt daan. You take pride once or twice to do seva for which you dont get recognition. That very act gives you so much joy. Once you get the taste of that act that is purely seva. You will find it so blissful. other acts that you do for recognition is okay....its natural. Q. Is it okay to donate all parts of body. Does the soul face any problem ? A. Its as good as donating a peice of clothes. Body is nothing but a piece of garment. No problem. Q. Who or what inspired you. A. What inspired me......... There is not something external that inspired me to do what I do it is an inner calling. Q. What is the secret of your energy. A. Your connection with yourself. With the source of energy. Thats it. Q. How can I keep my ego and anger from hurting others around me A. If you are sensible and your intention is not to hurt anybody then that is good enough. But sometimes in spite of you being cautious then also people get hurt then you cant do anything. You cant make everyone happy you listen to your consciousness and see. That is good an enough. You cant be football of so many people emotions and feeling. There is a saying There is no giver of happiness or misery. You give it for yourself. Q. Can you give us proof of heaven and God. A. First give me proof of what you have in your mind. I dont take actions because of mind. Give me proof that you exist. You might be dreaming. Are you sure you are not dreaming. What proof you want. That planets exist that universal phenomenon exists. There is some energy that is the basis of this existence. Dont you know that. There is a law and orderliness in the creation due to some power and that power you call God or energy or whatever you want to. God is love you want proof for love. .... thats so stupid . Look at the eyes of a child, birds feeding, animals everywhere. In every human being God is. What is there is love. And love is God. Q. Some young people I know says marivano is what they want to follow. Thats their religion...... A. It destroys the nervous system. It might give you temporary elevation. People have said so. But the elevation does not shows on their face. You are commiting a crime against your own body. Its not the right thing. Why do you want to go for that. You go for meditations and you get higher state of experiences. Q. I am suffering from post traumatic stress. Sever low self esteem. Child abuse. I have begun to separate from reality and living in a negative world. A. You cannot put your feet twice in the same water. Like that mind is changing. You dont get the same leave in 2 seasons. Dont hold know to whatever happened to you in the past. That person is dead and gone. And specially after kriya and meditation. You can even change your name. Past is gone. Move on. Q. Can we have a club of boys an girls of marriageable age so that we can connect and get married. A. Yes you can have. Q. I saw three lashes of white light followed by darkness after shakti kriya. A. Thats okay. Q. Why cant menstruating women do shakti kriya. A. It will be too hard for your body as your system is too delicate at that time. Q. Please make my husband really stretch and do seva. He doesnt do but I know if he does he will grow. A. I will have to listen to his side of the story. .... laughs Q. Can you please explain what it means to let go. How do we let go of situations that are causing us pains but cant change A. How do you sleep in night. Can you sleep if you dont let go. If you dont let go of situations etc then you cant sleep. That is letting go. Just wake up and see the world has been the way it was and will continue to do so. You are not going to be there forever. The earth will still exist. Q. When all the hopes die from within one turns to art of living for that one ray of hope. Please advise how to deal with loneliness. How to bring love. A. Find love within you in meditation. Thats why meditation is. If you are comfortable with yourself then anyone will be comfortable to be with you. Here you are at the right place. Q. I feel somehow removed and disconnected from my life at times. What should I do? A. Just relax. Every thing is happening. Q. Why does ayurveda has so many cures that other do not have? A. Ayurveda was developed by downloading from the consciousness. Though it is thousands of years old but very well proven so it is taking over the world. Ancient people knew everything and ayurveda is that science and is so amazing. Q. Why does mind love the past or future. A. Well keep asking the question. At least this will keep you in the present.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 06:49:06 +0000

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